When my Giant German Shepherd was just a few months old he spent 3 weeks with a trainer. When he returned from the kennels there he had a skin infection. The vet prescribed antibiotics and gave him a cortizone shot. To make a long story short, this began a very ugly cycle. These intitial treatments broke this pup's immune system. He became allergic to many things, food, his tic & flea treatment, etc. As a result he would have ear infections on a regular basis, diarrhea, and would constantly chew at his rump. We'd take him back to the vet and he'd prescribe more of the above. The poor guy would be up all night chewing and scratching himself and suffering. This went on for many months. Someone with a holistic persective finally advised that it sounded as though his immune system was out of wack due to all of drugs, etc. and that I should try this product. I began using it and within 10 days an improvement began. After a month, he almost never scratched, etc. He's been on it now for 6 months and hasn't had diarrhea (which had been a couple times a month), he's back on his tic & flea treatment with no negative reaction. He sleeps through the night, his coat has improved and he's gaining weight at a more appropriate rate.
We will keep him on this stuff forever. It seems he had developed a yeast infection from all the drugs and now it's gone!
Our dog had always had soft stool, but when he started having diarrhea every day, we took him to the vet. (After trying just about every other remedy we could think of - pumpkin, switched his food, gave him probiotics, etc. etc.) They checked his stool and said he had a high bacteria count. At the time I had asked if perhaps he wasn't producing enough enzymes, to which the vet responded "Maybe." They proceeded to put him on antibiotics and an artificial stool hardener for about 6 weeks, which only helped superficially. Once he was off the stool hardener, he was back to having diarrhea. I went with my initial idea (I had done a TON of research prior) that the cause was an inadequate production of enzymes (which, as it turns out, can lead to an increase in bad bacteria in the intestines - go figure). With my fingers crossed, I ordered a bottle of Animal Essentials Plant Enzymes and Probiotics. Within a few days of administering the enzymes with each meal, my dog was no longer having diarrhea. Within about another week, his stool was actually firm, which it had never been. I'm happy to say that well over a month later, we have not had a single bout of diarrhea and his stool is firm and normal! Since starting the enzymes, his energy has increased (he's actually digesting his food!) and his coat has improved (again - all those tasty essential fatty acids are actually being used!). We are so thankful this product exists and can't recommend it enough!
I have an aging Dalmation that has some digestive problems due to other medicines he takes. He was having unpredictable bouts of diahhrea (inside the house nonetheless!) and we were about to get ready to put him to sleep when I read about probiotics. I like that this product also contains enzymes. After about a week of feeding this to my dog he improved greatly - the probiotics helped his digestive/intestinal issues and now he isn't pooping in the house and has more control over it. The enzymes are helping him digest his food better and therefore he is getting more nutrients out of his food. Because of this some of the hip problems and pain he was having started to improve. Overall this is a good product. It will last for awhile as the dosage is a quarter teaspoon per 30lbs of weight. I also give some to my other dog and I believe it has improved his bad breath! This will be something I purchase again!
I have a 20-month-old chocolate labrador who has suffered from various digestive issues since we met her. Most notable were her bowel movements, which were almost always a normal movement, followed by what can only be described as butterscotch pudding (sorry if I ruin butterscotch pudding for anyone, but it's true!). These were the norm, with the latter half of her poo becoming runny at times. Even her doggy daycare provider mentioned it. I tried many things to try and make her bowel movements normal, including changing foods (gradually), adding sweet potato or pumpkin to her food for fiber, softening it with warm water, feeding her 'people food,' etc. Nothing helped.
One day my daycare provider had a jar of some probiotics on her counter. Since I had had wonderful success using probiotics and digestive enzymes for myself, I thought I would try it for my dog and purchased the Animal Essentials brand. It comes in powder form, and each morning I give my 72-lb lab a heaping 1/2 teaspoon full in her kibble. SInce I generally mix a spoonful of wet food in with the kibble, the powder all but disappears. But, I don't think it would matter. She licks her bowl clean even when I haven't stirred in the supplement, so I am guessing it has little or no taste.
I am happy and relieved to report that her bowel movements are about 95% normal after about 6 weeks of using the supplement. She does occasionally have a 'butterscotch pudding' episode but they are much firmer than previous movements, and rare. I would recommend that anyone who has a pet with digestive issues look into purchasing probiotics and digestive enzyme supplements. - Holistic Health - Enzymes - Dogs - Probiotics'
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