I bought this stove for a recent camping trip after using one my brother has for over 10 years. The materials used today is slightly flimsier than my brothers stove, but overall functionality and other critical materials seemed to be the same. The stove was easy to light up and came with a fuel filter/funnel. It turned out great for use with smaller frying pans and pots and provided plenty of cooking heat. The wind guard helps tremendously in the area we were at and allowed cooking where other unshielded butane stoves couldn't be used. The design allows easy storage and carrying with a handle to allow the stove to be carried like a small brief case.
During the trip a friend brought his Powerhouse version of this stove providiing more BTU and having a larger cooking surface. This was great for larger pots and the extra added BTU cooked a bit quicker. So consider the larger unit if necessary. It'll all depend on what you're using it for and how big of a family/group you are cooking for.
Things to watch out for. Although these are dual fuel - try not to mix the fuels. Always use fresh fuel or else it can take a while for these stoves to "warm up" and burn cleanly. Be sure to oil the pump mechanism on a regular basis. Basically there is a little more maintenance than propane models but it's really worth it. The older models seemed to be more rust resistant as well so be sure to clean up parts and pour out fuel before long term storage.
Most parts are easily replaceable/repairable and can be easily sourced. Coleman 2 Burner Dual Fuel Compact Liquid Fuel Stove
I have had a Coleman dual fuel stove for many years. It has been great for camping, of course, as all coleman stoves are but it was also great during a hurricane. We lost power for two weeks and had all electric. I had no coleman fuel on hand but did have gasoline. We were able to at least keep baby bottles warm and cook our meals every day. Excellent for any automobile camping and very handy as part of your emergency kit.
I've been wanting a Coleman stove for some time now, and finally got around to actually buying one. Too heavy for backpacking (duh) but perfect for car camping. I had a little bit of trouble lighting the auxillary burner (I think it got wet), but it worked just fine in the end, and all in all, this has been an excellent stove. Though I've never had to use it, I like the versatility of the dual fuel, and I love the reliability of Coleman. It's worth the money because I knew it would last forever!!
This is a nice camp stove and can come in handy in an emergency. Unlike propane stoves, you have to follow simple a lighting procedure but it's really no big deal. Once lit the burners are fully adjustable down to a low simmer.
Full burner is extremely powerful. I get better boil times using this stove (outside) than on my kitchen range (inside of course). The stove is not as adversely affected by wind as some of the propane models I've used.
My one runs great on regular unleaded gasoline (even w/10% ethanol ) so I dont bother looking for coleman fuel. Your vehicles fuel tank can serve as a source of fuel in an emergency.
Unlike some of the backpacking stoves that I've used in the past, this one is reliable and starts easily, even when its frigid out.
I take one star off because this model uses a generator system to vaporise the fuel. Generators have been known to clog up over time requiring replacement. Keep an extra generator for piece of mind.
I purchased this product for a recent car camping excursion to Algonquin Provincial Park. Previously, I had a propane stove by the Coleman. I switched to the liquid fuel model to be more environmentally friendly. While the liquid fuel is a little more cumbersome than propane, I found the extra trouble was well worth it.
The burner controls on the liquid gas stove made it much easier to regulate the flame thereby giving you a better heat range to cook different types of food, whereas the propane stove went to high almost immediately. Plus, the Park claimed that it costed them $2.50 to dispose of the nonrefillable propane tanks. A friend of mine suggested refilling the propane tanks myself, but there is a clear warning on the side of the tank that says there is a risk of explosion. However, you can buy an adapter and use the larger barbeque-type tanks for the propane stove, but who would want to haul one of these babies for car camping.
So there you have it. Better flame control and greener. Also you can buy a liquid fuel bottle (I bought one made by MSR) to make the transport of the fuel easier.
This item is a necessity when tent camping or camping with a pop-up. Also like the multi fuel feature. Makes it very convenient if one should be in an area where one cannot buy coleman fuel but regular gas is available. It is easy to start and easy to maintain. My last coleman stove lasted almost 30 years and the only maintainence was to replace a generator and a pump one time each.
This is a great product. We used it everyday, several times a day for 5 days for a family of four (Two men, two women (translated: 2 big eaters, 2 little eaters). It is constructed well and we think it will last a long time. It stores nicely. Simple to use. Easy to clean. Flame even and hot. Boils water fast (important for coffe in AM!). Flame never blew out. Can use one or both burners. Fuel tank keeps pressure for long time...easily enough to cook the meal; if it does go low, easy to pump pressure right up in a few quick strokes. Spacious enough for a 12quart pot and a frying pan if you open wings. Thoroughly recommend.
I remember my dad's green & red Coleman stove on camping trips, as a child. There was a lot of sentimental value tied to that green metal case and the sound of pumping that red gas can. When I got married, and got into car camping with my wife, I went with the duel-fuel Coleman stove + Pwrhouse DF Coleman Lantern. I would have liked the red gas can, but the DF is much more practical using reg. unleaded gas. We have also used it when power went out in our neighborhood during a winter wind storm.
Performance-wise, it's much more efficient than a typical propane model, since you have more BTU's and can pump it up as your can pressure decreases. I'd say it also makes you feel more involved as a camper, since you do more than just hook up a can and go.
I've had mine for 8 yrs now and still enjoy it. - Camp Stoves - Great Camp Stove - Camping Stove - Camping'
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