In the 1970s women almost eliminated the double-standard on immoral sex. Before then, people who wouldn't blink at promiscuous men scorned promiscuous women. With the 1980s came AIDS, and now unwanted pregnancy was no longer the biggest worry for the fast-lane crowd. CASUAL SEX tells the story of two single ladies in the fast lane with an eye on the exit ramp. It bounces between corny and funny, with most of the latter due to a stand-out performance by comedian Andrew Dice Clay. In addition to Clay, CASUAL SEX proves worthwhile for the short-lived relationship Lea Thompson has with whom she thinks is the man of her dreams. Romance does not turn out the way we fantasize it to be. Casual Sex?
This movie is funny,romantic,silly,intelligent.Too bad the title is so wrong for it as this movie is not about casual sex but the desire for a real relationship. Andrew Dice CLay is wonderful as the "Vin Man" who is really a loving man who just wants to meet the right woman. Hollywood overlooked Andrew Dice Clay's perfect performance & still has not put him in another excellent role that fit him so well & at this point his looks aren't what they were in this 1987 romantic comedy. Victoria Jackson & Lea Thompson are just right in their roles as love-seeking women in the latter 1980's of safe sex- not just to avoid STDS such as the Aids disease but to also avoid getting emotionally involved with the wrong guy- and to avoid getting hurt yet again. This is an excellent comedy on dvd although it has NO extra features so maybe in the future there will be a Special edition as this is already it's 2nd time on dvd.
This movie makes me laugh everytime I watch it! Lea and Victoria have not been in any movies recently, but this movie will make you wish they were! If you are looking for a smile, good laugh, and romance---this is the movie you want to see! Every guy in the film reminds you of a guy you have met before; and every conversation in the film reminds you of one you have had with your friends before as well! As a DVD, it rates OK because there is no behind the scences information, etc. I wish there was because every so often it appears as if they cut out a small bit of a scene---and I am the type who want to know what it was! I rate this movie as an excellent one to see with your friends---it will bring up memories you will die laughing about!
Well, I have to start out by saying I'm a man so usually I dont dig on these movies. But I heard The DiceMan was going to be in it so I figured i would give it a shot. It turns out I love this movie. It's Funny, It's Touching,and It still seems fairly relevent to the times now. Rent it,Buy it,Just dont miss it.
i first watched this film back in college when it first came out and loved it then. Even now i have the dvd and yes, its dated, but so what? it's still a fun nice little film that raises a smile. Lea Thompson is believable and honest in a light yet human comedy so if you're looking for 90 mins or so of escapism then give it a view! You won't be disappointed!
Stacy Hunter and Melissa Halpern are best friends that share a common problem: sex. Stacy is a fun, flirtacious, woman who is regretting her reckless sexual past. Melissa is a nice, down-to-earth Kindergarten teacher who has only slept with two men in her life, and wants "a nice guy".
Suggesting a vacation, the girls jet off to Oasis Health Spa, to look for healthy young men. There they meet Vinny,(Andrew Dice Clay) who automaticly sets his sights on Stacy. However, Stacy has her sights set on Nick (Stephen Shellen), a musician who works at the spa. Melissa also has her eye on someone, a therapist, Matthew (Peter Dvorsky). Melissa is not aware, however, that Jamie (Jerry Levine), a nutritionist, has a very big crush on her.
Mary Gross (Ilene), Valeri Breiman (Megan), David Sargent (Frankie), and others wind up this ensemble cast for one of the funnies comedies ever to be released. I am not a big fan of the "Dice Man", but this is probably the best acting he's ever done, and possibly the best film he's ever made. You won't be disppointed.
The movie, which stars Victoria Jackson (Melissa) and Lea Thompson (Stacey), involves the two twenty-something year old bachlorettes going on vacation at a health resort in hopes of meeting Mr. Right. Each woman has a different story, with Melissa being slightly repressed and only having slept with 2 guys in her life, and Stacey being a formerly promiscuous girl who is trying to change her lifestyle.
Because of its title, the picture on the box cover, the obscure description on the back of the box, and the inclusion of the infamous Andrew Dice Clay, you might expect this movie to be filled with formulaic sexual hi-jinks and crude humor. Furthermore, because of the time period in which the movie was released, you might also expect it to be somewhat dated.
This movie turns out to be quite a nice suprise, dealing with some issues that are contemporary (such as AIDS) and some that are timeless (such as rushing into committments) in a fairly tactful way. Aside from some brief nudity, the movie, I think is appropriate and informative for teenagers who are about to venture out into the dating world.
Thompson's character is especially interesting in that she is afraid of the AIDS-risk that comes with casual sex and, accordingly, wants a long term relationship. But, due to her apprehensions, she rushes headfirst into a committment with a guy who turns out to be a very handsome, but unrealistic slacker. She takes a step toward maturity and shows strength in breaking the committment before it goes too far. Jackson's character is less interesting.
In sum, I would not recommend this movie as a romantic comedy, and its definitely not a Spring Break flick. The acting isn't that great either. However, if you have a teenage daughter, I think the film is a highly approriate and didactic story about the complexities involved with being single. - Robin Tunney - Sexy - Romance - Erotica'
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