I prefer rechargeables most of the time for everything. They last just as long as these in any equipment I use. However I like these because they retain full power in cold weather. They're also much lighter. Now that spring is here, I'll be storing them away 'till next winter. Energizer AA Ultimate Lithium Batteries 4 Pack
I primarily use these batteries in my Nikon SB-600 Speedlight Flash. I started using them about a year ago after much frustration with the lifespan of normal alkaline batteries. I am not a professional photographer but it is a pretty serious hobby (addiction my wife would say) of mine, and nothing drives me more crazy than my equipment becoming the limiting factor of what I want to do creatively. Replacing batteries in the flash on what seems like a weekly basis is annoying--running out of juice in my camera flash at the wrong moment is much worse and can even be devastating depending on the context.
Thankfully these excellent lithium batteries from Energizer are truly superior in performance over either normal alkaline or rechargeable batteries. I get 500-700 shots out of a set of these, which makes them economical compared with the seemingly less expensive alternatives.
It is possible to find these batteries in larger packs at big box stores, but they're actually the same price per battery overall. I prefer them shipped free to my door, even if they were slightly more expensive.
These are great batteries for virtually any photography application weather in a point-and-shoot digital or in a flash unit like the SB-600. As other reviewers have mentioned, they are not superior when used in low drain applications like a computer mouse. Stick with normal alkaline or nimh batteries for those uses.
I have read that batteries lasted hundreds of pictures with this camera (Pentax Kx). However, the four pack I got lasted no more than one hundred. Most of them with flash though. I do not think there is any other outfit that makes them, but Energizer. - Lithium Batteries - Camera Batteries - Battery - Aa'
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