I use earbuds for two to four hours every day. In the past ten years I've purchased many, many different brands in search of the Holy Grail of earbuds. The three biggest problems that I have with earbuds are fit, sound quality, and longevity.
Fit - Many earbuds are simply too large to stay comfortably in my ear. I'm not a little person. I'm six feet tall, one hundred eighty pounds. Even the famous iPod earbuds are too big, and some people think they are some of the best quality earbuds available. Large earbuds are uncomfortable and they won't stay in your ear. I really like these earbuds because they fit comfortably and they don't fall out.
Sound quality - These earbuds have sound quality that is equal to or better than the most expensive earbuds that I've ever purchased.
Longevity - The biggest problem with most earbuds is that the very fine copper wire near the plug eventually breaks inside the rubber insulation due to repeated bending of the wire during normal use. This causes one or both of the speakers to lose connectivity intermittently, and eventually permanently. Every set of earbuds that I have ever owned has eventually failed in this manner, but these earbuds have lasted longer than any earbuds that I have ever purchased. I am still using the first set of earbuds that I purchased over a year ago, and that is just unheard of for me considering the use and abuse to which I submit my earbuds.
Buy these earbuds and don't look back. All of those fancy, expensive earbuds with hip sounding names and slick marketing and high prices do not offer any better performance than these. Sony Mdr-E10Lp/Blk Headphones - Fashion Earbuds (Black)
I fall asleep listening to the radio. Unfortunately, my wife is kept awake by said radio. Enter the use of earbuds. I have been through more pairs of various brands of earbuds than I can remember, though my wife would claim I wouldn't remember more than one. I recently purchased two pairs of these Sony earbuds and am extremely pleased. Their shape allows me to identify the correct channel for each ear in the dark. The cord is longer than most which gives me a larger leash to move around the bed without yanking the earbud out of my ears. Sound quality is much better than the radio I am using. And most of the time, its even comfortable to have the earbud in my ear while laying that side down on the pillow.
If I were rating these earbuds solely on the sound quality as it relates to the price, I would give it a solid 5+ stars...without a doubt, the best "bang for the buck" out there at $10 or less. I gave them 4 stars only because the fit isn't perfect. If they tapered the earbud at all and these fit better, I would go to 4.5 stars because I know that some of the real high end earbuds deliver a very rich sound and might deserve a 5 star rating.
I have purchased dozens of different lower quality earbuds under $100...and I have tried dozens more higher quality earbuds...and I would challenge anyone to find earbuds with better sound quality at a price even remotely close to the price of these earbuds. I have small ear passages and they do not fit particularly well, but what the heck...I use them on the train while commuting...at home while relaxing...or maybe in the car or at the beach. I don't use them to run, exercise or leap tall buildings in a single bound...so I don't have to worry about them falling out. I know fit is a big sticking point in many earbud reviews and rightly so. However, let's face it, the most important quality with any headphone or earbud has to do with sound...and these earbuds deliver.
I can't believe the bass is so rich. There is no tin like sound when still and the sound is not affected when moving the wires. The main wire is plenty long, as are the earbud wires which are also of equal length. I own an IPOD Classic which I take everywhere...watching movies and videos and listening to ALL different music genres. I believe the best setting with the best bass and overall sound on the IPOD is R&B...with Rock a close second. I will also add that even though the fit is not perfect in my ears, these earbuds do a fairly decent job at blocking out external noise.
I need a good sound when listening to music or it just isn't that pleasurable, but I am not dishing out $200 or more to constantly worry about something going wrong with my expensive purchase and then wrestling with Company X to get a refund or have them replaced. I am considering buying a pair of Denon AH-C751's or AH-C700's on Amazon for less than $100...both regularly $200...but I have yet to take the plunge.
So if you are in the market for an expensive pair of high quality and rich sounding earbuds, but are hesitating for one reason or the other...or if you just don't want to spend a lot of money and the fit doesn't have to be perfect...then I recommend buying a pair of Sony Fashion Earbuds to hold you over until you find the "perfect" earbuds or hit the lottery. These buds may not be the perfect fit, but the sound quality is sure to win you over...and who could possibly have a problem with the price!
I will say that I am on my second pair...the first pair lasted just over a year. At less than $10, I am not complaining! - Sony - Ear Buds - Earbuds - Earphones'
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