This is a great remote! I left my Keyspan Remote at a presentation in St. Louis and was devasted. I searched the net and, decided to give this little remote a chance. It's great. The USB fits inside the remote when I am not using it which is quite handy. Plus this little feature also ensures the remote is turned off. My Keyspan never did seem to turn off on its own. This remote takes AAA batteries which is also quite convenient and cost effective. But the best part is - it works great. I really like it better than my Keyspan. It has a "blackout" feature which is great for switching between my PowerPoint presentation and writing on the white board. If you are in the market for a new remote but don't need a lot of fancy features - this is the one to try. Kensington 33373 Wireless Presenter
This is a handy little tool that is extremely convenient and works well. The only functions are to move forward, backward, or blackout the screen in a PowerPoint presentation, but if this is all you need (which most presenters generally only want these features) than you're set!
I've owned several presentation remotes, including two from Interlink (SMK-Link), one from Logitech, and this Kensington. While I like the small size of this unit, which makes it easy to conceal, I cannot recommend it.
The most important feature of a presentation remote is its reliability. I have to be absolutely confident that a click of the button will advance the slide. If I'm not, at best I spend too much time looking over my shoulder rather than at the audience, and at worst I look silly -- standing there clicking the remote at different angles to get the result I should be able to rely on.
This Kensington -- like the Logitech -- fails to respond far too often. Perhaps the transmitter is too weak, or perhaps the software is poorly written, but I could never trust that the slide advanced when I clicked the button; I always had to look. Every slide.
Just about every Interlink / SMK-Link product I've used has been highly reliable. Problem is, they tend to cost twice or three times as much as this device. Consider the SMK-Link VP4300 RemotePoint Presenter - Special Edition or the SMK-Link VP6450 Presentation Pilot Pro. I own the VP4300, and it's both small and highly reliable with outstanding range (though the laser is weak, if that matters to you).
So that's your trade-off. For professional presenters, it's a no-brainer -- the technology has to work every time. For very occasional presenters, the low price of this Kensington might be a wise trade-off.
One more thing: if you're buying a remote for your guest presenters to use at your own facility, please, *please* get one that won't embarrass your guest, as I'm afraid this unit will.
Excellent product. I use it for powerpoint presentations at church and I love it. It has great range and a simple USB wireless setup. Just plug it in and you are good to go. Kensington also has an upgraded version with a laser pointer.
I have purchased two presenters by Kensington. This one I bought for my wife to use for her Good News Club at school. The range is good with no problems. I bought the other presenter with the laser for my class at school. It has never failed me. (I've had a couple presenters that are a little flakey at times) If you use the laser a lot, the battery runs down quickly. Other that that, they are great presenters.
The Kensington 33373 Wireless presenter is a joy. Open the package, install the battteries (included) and you're all set. Plug the memory stick into your laptop and you're all set. What could be easier? I've used it for three presentations the first week I got it. It's pefect.
I can't speak about the battery life yet because it's still so new.
After reading other reviews I purchased the Kensington 33373 Wireless Presenter to help when I give gardening talks. It works as advertised and the signal carries a fairly long distance. It worked without any problem with my Macintosh laptop and Keynote (a superior presentation program). I do wish the Presenter had a laser pointer built in - if you need a pointer you'll have to use a separate device - but overall I highly recommend this device. - Wireless - Presentation - Laser Pointer - Powerpoint'
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