I was deployed to Iraq last year with the US Marine Corps. My wife sent me some of these which I put into the mini fridge that my hut had. After a 12 hour combat resupply mission, coming back to the hut and having one of these made me feel almost human again. I actually started saving them for the hottest/longest days. The taste is a little different, if you are used to gatorade or coke, but it is nice. Drink it cold.
To me, this is good but nowhere near as good as the pineapple flavor. I think the mango just does not compliment the peach, BUT, it's still good and appears to be healthy and has a reasonable amount of calories. It was between a 3 and 4 for me so I rounded up to 4.
It's light and refreshing, like water with mango, peach, and coconut flavor added. It doesn't taste phony either. It is 100% natural and it tastes natural. Too good to be just flavored water. It tastes more like a light fruit juice. I had mine chilled. It is imported from Brazil. A plastic twist-off cap allows you to stick in a straw easily, without hammering the package to punch it through. A single package is about 6 inches high, with 3 inch diagonal square shape.
One paper coated package contains 17 fluid ounces, marked as 2 servings. Per serving stats are 60 calories (so 120 calories total per package), 0 fat, 0 cholesterol, 30mg sodium, 500 mg potassium, 15g sugar, 4 % calcium, 4 % phosphorus, 175 % vitamin C, 8 % magnesium. Ingredients, as listed in order on package are: natural coconut water, mango puree, peach puree, ascorbic acid (vitamin C). The package states it is 100 % natural, has more electrolytes than leading sports drinks with 15 times the potassium, and has more potassium than 2 bananas.
So--- it is good, refreshing, healthy, easily packable, and easily openable. (It's ok. I can make up words. I work for the government.) I really like the high potassium content, too. (Note--I am NOT a doctor.) As the sweltering East Coast heat and humidity approaches, potassium helps with the fluid you lose. Whether you are on fluid pills, or working outside in the eat, or running and jogging for your health, or hiking, or your children are playing and running in the heat, it's a real good idea to keep those potassium levels up. Low potassium levels, as I understand it, can be harmful, leading to cramps in your legs or worse--maybe even making you pass out. Anyway, this is good and it sure tastes a lot better to me than Gatoraid (yuk). So, check it out, and read up on "potassium" before the heat gets here.
I've tired almost all of the vita cocos besides the tangerine and grape fruit and I can say this is the really not that bad. The peach flavor kinda balances it out with the coconut water. The nutrition is equal to the pineapple but not the acai(acai is still better). here is the nutrition for the peach
Sodium 40mg = 2%
Potassium 660mg = 19%
Total Carb 20g
Protein 0g
Trans fat 0g
Dietary fiber 0g
Sugars 20g
Vitamin A 0%
Calcium 5%
Phosphorous 5%
Vitamin C 230%
Iron 0%
Magnesium 10%
Natural Coconut Water,
Mango Puree, Peach Puree,
Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)
Over all this is one of my favorite flavors. Still got two other flavors to try.
I've tried other coconut waters and Vita Coco is the best. There flavors taste fantastic and it is a healthier alternative to sugary sports drinks. I was working 12 hour days in a hot building all summer and no issues with cramping when I drank one of these a day. The peach and mango is my favorite.
Mango has a specific scent and flavor - if you like it, this is a nice way to drink coconut juice. A big advantage of coconut water - being alkaline - is wiped out by the fruit acids - giving this mix overall an acidic ph. You still get the minerals from the coconut water.
My friend purchased a 12-pack of the Tangerine-flavored Vitacoco and it was excellent. Really light flavor, refreshing, perfect bit of citrus. I decided to try a different flavor, so I bought a 12-pack of the Peach & Mango. Let me say this - it is honestly one of the foulest things I've ever tasted. I was able to drink half of one container before pouring the rest out in disgust. Reminds me of when I was a teenager and I was forcing down my first mixed alcoholic drink, and the taste was nearly unbearable. I had my friend try a container, and his was awful, too.
I don't know if I got a bad batch or if this is how Peach & Mango is supposed to taste but I am thoroughly dissatisfied. My friend ordered a variety pack, so we're gonna compare the Peach & Mango from his pack to get to the bottom of this. I know this much... I will never buy the flavor again. I'm going back to Tangerine. I won't even experiment with the other flavors, either, after this experience.
I have tried many flavors of Vita Coco coconut water and this is my least favorite. It truly reminded me of baby food flavors. I did give it three stars because it is healthy and it does rehydrate. Otherwise I will not be buying this again. I will stick to plain or tangerine flavored. - Juice - Coconut - Health Food - Health - Sports Drink - Tasty'
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