I stumbled across this book by chance when I was looking for books on photography and what a gem it is! I love the layout and the photographs that are
used as examples. The text is not only easy to read and understand, but it's funny as well. I found myself laughing while reading it and I'm now eager to put my new knowledge to work! eBayPhotos That Sell: Taking Great Product Shots for eBay and Beyond
Using simple, lo-tech language and a wealth of color photos, this excellent book can teach anyone to arrange, light, photograph and even edit macro (closeup) pictures. I bought it sight unseen on a friend's recommendation, and it's even better than I thought it would be.
The instructions are always clear and simple, and every instruction is illustrated with full-color, detailed examples. The results make you look like a professional photographer (or could even make you become one!).
I've bought tons of books on Amazon; but this is the first one I've felt compelled to review, because it's so darn good.
If one takes a look at the items up for sale on eBay, many of the items have pictures. Some of them are stock photos from the manufacturer's website, but the great majority of them are amateur photos taken with a digital camera. The photographic quality of eBay is usually on the lower end of the amateur scale, filled with distracting elements, flash reflections and a host of other problems. The goal of this book is to teach the reader how to take product photos that sell.
The authors of the book do an excellent job of guiding the reader through the process, from the initial setup to taking the photos, to editing them in software. This is a rather non-technical book, and the focus is definitely on the photography and not the image manipulation aspect of product photography. It is written to be understood by the beginner, but has useful tips for advanced photographers as well.
The book is filled with pictures to provide examples of how to transform an everyday object into a visually appealing photograph. The advice and tips given in the book helps beginners solve the common problems of home photography. It is an excellent introduction to product photography and a valuable reference book that no photographer (or eBay seller) should be without.
Not being a true photographer(strictly for business) I looked through many books hoping I could find one that would help me take better photos for eBay. That's when I stumbled on this little gem. I'm sure this stuff is old hat to photo pros and hobbyists, but to those of us who don't know our f-stops from our brackets, this is a God send. My photos look so much better, that I've gotten compliments from friends and buyers (who'd a thought that!) People ask me what kind of camera I use, settings, etc. and my answer is read "eBay Photos That Sell". If nothing else the chapters of Objective and Subjective photos will help most folks (and don't forget the shower curtain). Simple stuff I know, but it makes all the difference in the world. BUY this book! You won't be disappointed.
An interesting aspect of this book is how it often advises you to improve your photos of items you're selling on eBay. Not by image enhancement via Photoshop, as so many other books do. Instead, it recommends trying simple steps in the real world, that might actually be faster than several hours in front of your computer. For example, if you have a black, shiny item, then polish it so that smudges and fingerprints are not visible in the photo. And take that photo against a white background, for high contrast.
This is the general tenor of the book. Practical, non-high tech steps. A good counterpoint to other eBay books.
This is a great book and definitely a rare find as few books focus on product photography. The steps given for shooting great photos of items you want to sell on eBay are simple and easy to understand. The techniques outlined are easy to follow and you don't have to be a professional photographer to understand what is involved. It has been proven that ads with great photos on eBay are more likely to be successful auctions and attract more bidders. If you're serious about selling on eBay, this book is a must read.
I have been selling on eBay for over 11 years, am a Top Rated Seller, Powerseller and a Certified eBay Education Specialist. What I am NOT is a photographer. What I found in this book was easy to follow tips and suggestions and wonderful pictures (of course).
There is a maze of photography books that you can purchase but none really hone in on creating simple clear and effetive pictures for the eBay business. I highly recommend this book to you as I do to my students. A gem!
As a beginner at selling on Ebay, this book gave great hints and tips on creating product pictures that will really stand out. It worked particularly well for me because I already had purchased the same camera and photo software that the authors used, but I can see it being less effective for others who haven't. Still, the lighting instructions and ideas make the book worthwhile!
I thought the book was a little pricey. I always justify my purchases, if the book contains at least one technicial piece of info, I did not know or it's info I was searching for.
So that being said, I justified my purchase.
It's a good informative book and has a lot of pictures as samples or this is the way to make the shot.
I would recommend this book to anyone going into EBAY as a seller. - Internet Presence - Useful - Computer - Ebay'
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