when I bought my bread machine a year ago I was really excited about buying a cookbook to try it out. I found so many books, and most of the reviews said "buy this one it's the best", or "you won't need another one"... I got all confused. So, since I have most Betty Crocker cookbooks, I choose this one, 'cause I know they only have try and true recipes. In fact, it didn't let me down. The book starts with an introduction about bread machines in general, how they work, and ingredients. It has a chart with all kinds of flours and teaches you what kind of bread you'll get.Then the recipes. Including here, classics like white bread, Sally Lunn, garlic bread. New ones like orange capuccino brad. It has one of the best bagel recipe.It's divided in 7 chapters:Chapter 1: Good and Savory loavesChapter 2: Wholesome Grains LoavesChapter 3: Fruit and Veggie Harvest LoavesChapter 4: Smaller Can Be jst RightChapter 5: Rustic Loaves and FlatbreadsChapter 6: Satisfying Rolls and BreadsticksChapter 7: Sweet breads and Coffee CakesThe book has plenty of pictures, and this, especially for a beginner, is pretty important to know what it will look like the bread you are gonna bake.A year later, I find myself still using this fantastic book and having excellent results. It has over 130 recipes so it's impossible to get bored.
There are several very positive comments that I have about this book. First, the recipes were tested on all 3 sizes of loaves. Therefore, sometimes proportions of ingredients will not necessarily agree with proportions of bread weight in order to get the same bread. I was happy to have someone else go through these tests so that I didn't have to. Another interesting element to this book is that they show pictures of how "wrong" breads look and list what possible ingredients were out of proportion. This is very helpful in analyzing the outcome of your bread. Finally, I am a picture person and all of the breads have beautiful pictures next to them.
The big negative I found in the book was that all of the breads I made (about 7) had the same consistency. If you are interested in creating more interesting types of breads, such as light airy french breads with crunchy crusts or ciabatta's - you will be hard pressed to find them in this book.
This excellent bread machine cookbook covers a wide variety of bread types, from standard loaves to multigrains to fruit breads to related items such as rolls, pizza, and coffee cakes. The instructions for each recipe are clearly broken down into easily understandable steps; although some of the breads involve decorative touches that appear difficult, simple sidebar illustrations make these fancy finishes a breeze. The full-page photographs accompanying many of the recipes definitely make your mouth water as well as give some wonderful suggestions for how you can use each type of bread (however, as an earlier reviewer mentioned, I would have preferred to see every recipe illustrated). Overall, I would recommend this cookbook to anyone looking for bread machine recipes ranging from the simple to the more creative.
My husband bought me a breadmaker probably two years ago and all I managed to produce from it were things that could be used to build homes. All my loaves resembled door stops or bricks and I gave up the hobby. Recently, I decided to give it another shot and so I ordered two cookbooks, this one and "Bread!" which I will also review (no 5 stars for that one...).
The recipes include (and this is a long list but I always wish there were more detailed reviews so I try to leave for others what I would have liked to see):
Chapter One: Good and Savory Loaves (all recipes listed have directions for 1 1/2 or 2 lb loaves)
-Classic White Bread
-Sally Lumm
-Sourdough Loaf (and starter directions)
-Pumpkin Seed Bread
-Mediterranean Herbed Bread
-Beer Nut Bread
-Herbed Vinaigrette Bread
-Fiery Four-Pepper Bread
-Cheese Onion Bread
-Roasted Garlic Bread
-Gingery Bread
-Raisin Cinnamon Bread
-Honey Mustard Bread
-Cheesy Mustard Pretzel Bread
-Parmesan Sun-Dried Tomato Bread
-Beer Bacon Bread
-Caraway Cheese Bread
-Toffee Chip Bread
-Honey Lemon Bread
-Orange Cappuccino Bread
-Chocolate Walnut Bread
-Chocolate Mint Bread
-Vanilla Sour Cream Bread
Capter Two: Wholesome Grain Loaves (all recipes for 1 1/2 or 2lb loaves and include either some type of grain like oatmeal or seeds and/or whole wheat flour)
-Honey Whole Wheat Bread
-Toasted Almond Whole Wheat Bread
-Cinnamon Honey Wheat Bread
-Citrus Whole Wheat Bread
-Golden Raisin Bread
-Herb and Crunch Wheat Bread
-Dill Wheat Bread
-Golden Raisin and Rosemary Bread
-Seeded Whole Wheat Bread
-Nutty Prune Wheat Bread
-Zucchini Wheat Bread
-Wild Rice and Apple Bread
-Pumpernickel Bread
-Pumpernickel Pecan Bread
-Buttermilk Rye Bread
-Oatmeal Bread
-Oatmeal Sunflower Bread
-Oat Potato Sandwich Bread
-Orange Oat Cornmeal Bread
-Granola Bread
-Cranberry Corn Bread
-Honey Corn Bread
Chapter Three: Fruit and Veggie Harvest Loaves (again, all recipes for 1 1/2 lb or 2 lb loaves but this time include fruits and/or veggies)
-Caramel Apple and Pecan Bread
-Orange Applesauce Bread
-Dried Apricot Bread
-Banana Caramel Bread
-Raisin Banana Bread
-Double-Cherry Pecan Bread
-Cranberry Blueberry Bread
-Sweet Orange Bread
-Peach Maple Bread
-Brandied Pumpkin Bread
-Caramelized Onion Bread
-Spinach Cheese Bread
-Double-Garlic Potato Bread
-Peppery Potato and Carrot Bread
-Maple Sweet Potato Bread
-Dilled Carrot Bread
-Potato Tarragon Bread
Chapter Four: Smaller Can Be Just Right (all recipes in this chapter are for 1 or 1 1/2 lb loaves)
-Buttermilk Bread
-Honey Sunflower Bread
-Multigrain Bread
-Caraway Rye Loaf
-Peanut Butter Bread
-Potato Chive Bread
-Garlic Basil Bread
-Cheddar Cheese and Olive Bread
-Double-Corn Jalapeno Bread
-Spicy Apple Bread
-Almond Chocolate Chip Bread
-Cranberry Whole Wheat Bread
-Greek Olive Bread
-Choco-Banana Bread
Chapter Five: Rustic Loaves and Flatbreads (This chapter includes mainly dough recipes that can be used if your machine has a dough setting)
-Old-World Rye Bread
-Triple Seed Wheat Bread
-Sage Raisin Wheat Bread
-Chocolate Coffee Bread
-Buttermilk Granola Bread
-Cottage Dill Loaf
-Rosemary Apricot Bread
-Lemon Anise Bread
-Sourdough Loaf
-French Baguettes
-Roasted Pepper and Artichoke Baguettes
-Zesty Pesto Tomato Baguettes
-Italian Artichoke Braid
-Rosemary Focaccia
-Greek Olive Focaccia
-Crust Mustard Focaccia
-Two-Cheese Pizza
-Mexican Beef Pizza
-Chicken Fajita Pizza
-Mediterranean Peppered Pizza
Chapter Six: Satisfying Rolls and Breadsticks (again, mainly dough recipes)
-Dinner Rolls
-Whole Wheat Dinner Rolls
-Whole Wheat Buttermilk Rolls
-Crescent Rolls
-Curry Rice Dinner Rolls
-Raisin Brioche
-Parmesan Twists
-Cheese-Filled Breadsticks
-Hit-the-Trail Breadsticks
-Dried Cherry Petits Pains
-Crusty Homemade Bread Bowls
-Dried Blueberry Lemon Rolls
-Strawberry and Poppy Seed Rolls
-ORange Pecan Buns
-Festive Raspberry Rolls
-Hot Cross Buns
-Chocolate S'mores Buns
-Sugared Doughnuts
-Honey Lemon Sweet Rolls
-Glazed Cinnamon Rolls
-Sticky Rolls
-Chocolate Caramel Sticky Buns
-Maple Walnut Twists
Chapter Seven: Sweet Breads and Coffee Cakes (dough...)
-Easy Apple Coffee Cake
-Pear Prune Braid
-Pear Kichen with Ginger Topping
-Cherry and White Chocolate Almond Twist
-Apricot Cream Cheese Ring
-Honey Walnut Coffee Cake
-Sherried Hazelnut Braid
-Swedish Coffee Ring
-Crunchy Wheat and Honey Twist
-Sweet Bread Wreath
Phew! That's a long list! Anyhoo, I love this book and have made several beautiful and delicious loaves in just the few days I have had it (peanut butter bread, cheesy onion loaf, fiery four-pepper bread, etc). Each one has been beautiful and each recipe tells you if the loaf will, for instance, be shorter and more dense, so you don't freak out and think you've produced yet another cinderblock.
A great buy! - Bread - Cookbook - Cooking - Bread Machine Recipes - Baking - Bread Machine Cookbook'
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