Excelente equipo.... Primero que nada lo compre desde aqui en los Estados Unidos, pues ando de vacaciones. Apenas me llego en el tiempo acordado, lo que hice fue probar mi tarjeta sim de Venezuela (Digitel) y agarro el 3G en 5 segundos, super rapido... Abri el Blackberry Messenger y por supuesto que me agregue a mi mismo y me lo acepto. Esta desbloqueado, es decir, no es solo que puedas utilizar el equipo, sino que ademas levanta 3G y aparece el nombre de la operado en vez de aparecer "Requiere Activacion", que es un fastidio... Todos los accesorios y TODO NUEVO! Solo levantara 3G con Digitel si lo llevas a Venezuela como han escrito otros usuarios... Ya le instale el OS 6 .424 y va de maravilla!
BTW lo compre del vendedor FGS...
Edicion! 6/5/2011
Excelente vendedor! HassleFreeCell! 100% recomendable! El equipo sirve para Digitel 3G a la perfeccion, me vino con todo menos con el push pero lo compre por 7$. Excelente! Blackberry 9100 Pearl 3G Unlocked Phone with 3 MP Camera, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Optical Trackpad and GPS - Unlocked Phone - International Warranty - Black
primero les explicare que el 3g trabaja con ciertas bandas:
Banda 1 = 2100 MHz
Banda 2 = 1900 MHz
Banda 4 = 1700 MHz
Banda 5/6 = 850/800 MHz
Banda 8 = 900 MHz
todos los blackberrys estan desbloqueados y levantan EDGE en las operadoras pero si quieren utilizar el servicio 3G deben antes de comprar su blackberry preguntarle a su proveedor de servicio, en mi caso Movistar, Movilnet o Digitel, con que bandas trabaja el 3G. En Venezuela Movistar trabaja con (Banda 2 = 1900MHz) y Digitel (Banda 8 = 900MHz).
Después deben de preguntarle a la tienda que le van a comprar el Blackberry con que bandas 3G trabaja ese Blackberry, ya le he preguntado a varios vendedores de Amazon y aquí les dejo las respuestas:
FGS Trading: 850/1900/2100 MHz (Movistar)
BLUTEKUSA: 900/1700/2100MHz (Digitel)
Amazon: 2100/1700/900 MHz (Digitel)
The OEM Shop: 2100/1700/900 MHz (Digitel)
HassleFreeCell: 2100/1700/900 MHz (Digitel)
The description says "compatible with ... 3G HSDPA 850/900/1700/1900/2100" MHz. It is not compatible with AT&T 3G wich is 850/1900MHz.
This cellphone has UMTS bands 1, 4, 8 (900/1700/2100MHz). There is a another version of this phone that has 850/1900/2100MHz, it is different from this item.
No full manual (only quick guide), no software CD or SD card, but these are minor issues.
Other than that the phone works fine. Fast UI, good reception, great battery life. No problems. Internet browser works without BIS.
Just no 3G on AT&T. Be sure to check 3G bands that your provider uses.
I paid for a 9100, I got a box labeled as 9100, but it had a 9105 inside!!!... I've read this is not the first time this happens with this seller (The OEM Shop).
Besides, to me, this seems to be done on purpose since is not the first time this happens AND they only give you the chance of returning it and getting a refound. You won't get the right model, even if you try... You can only get a refound! You can either still wasting your time to get your money back and look somewhere else, or stick with what you got but you didn't wanted/paid for.
My advice to you is: <<<<<DON'T buy from "The OEM Shop">>>>> (they earned it)... Try somewhere else!
I bought a Blackberry 9100 from the Amazon.com page from a dealer called the OEM shop.
What I experienced was like a nightmare nearly til the end. The long story short:
-As said i ordered a BB 9100
-I read in reviews that the OEM shop sends sometime instead BB 9105
-I wrote them to tel that they shall be carefull with my order and send the correct item
-They promis 100% customer satisfaction
-The shipping was fast, but WRONG and i received a BB 9105
-(the unit was NOT NEW either in I don't know yet if it is working) as promissed
-They refused to replace or redund since I live not in the US (no joke!!)
-Thanks to Amazon a-z warranty I got a refund from amazon and never heared of THE OEM SHOP AGAIN
Thake this as a WARNING from dealing with THE OEM SHOP
My thanks to amazon a-z whom refounded me, exept for import and tax
This was my 1st time buying an unlocked cell phone and it was quite an experience. While my phone did not actually arrive unlocked, it is now working great.
I have had the original Pearl 8100 for 3+ years and it finally broke. I was tempted to buy and iPhone or a Droid phone, but really like the small size of the Pearl. The new Pearl mouse works great and this new Pearl has the same small size and weight of the old Pearl. They did change the USB to the thinner micro USB and the headphone jack changed to the standart MP3 stereo type headset, so I needed new chargers and headsets.
The phone features are generally the same. The main difference is the web browser works much better. While it is a long ways from an iPhone, it does everthing I need for work including being an occasional GPS when needed.
I highly recommend the Pearl if you want something you can put in your pocket and forget about. - Blackberry 9530 - Ups - Blackberry Storm 9530 - Blackberry Storm'
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