This is a great survey of power electronics for someone with a modest electrical engineering background. It presents terminology, hardware, circuits and analysis in an approachable and well organized way. After reading it, someone with little prior experience can have a clear sense of what the field is about, what devices are available, and what technology is appropriate for specific power and voltage levels.
That said, as another reviewer pointed out, the book is a little light on math and detailed circuit topology. Erickson and Maksimovic was a much better fit for my needs. Power Electronics: Converters, Applications, and Design
Although a little light on full converter schematics, this textbook contained excellent descriptions of converter building blocks and semiconductor device physics. It is excellent that it came with a simulator program too.
This book is the best power electronics book in terms of fundementals. However there are other books which can be more detailed in mathematics or circuit types. An engineer who is specialised in power electronics needs to know what the author provide in this book. As a result read this book as much as you can and revisit it when you need to fresh your knowledge.
Good power electronics textbook. I use it for my power electronics course at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. It covers a lot of material well, including switching power converters, thermal and magnetics design. It's a bit thin in some important subjects, such as current mode control.Marc T. Thompson, Ph.D.
I will work hard to sell this book soon. Understanding Power Electronics needs understanding of output waveforms of circuits. A sine-qua-non of waveform study is to be presented with diagrams that are clear and easy to understand. In this aspect this book is junk. 'A picture is a thousand words' so the saying goes - I rest my case. What do you say about someone who draws a voltage and a current waveform in one diagram? Or several voltage and current waveforms in one diagram? Vs, supply voltage, Vd, diode drop, Vo output voltage, everything in one diagram and they overlap to say the least and also all in the same color - black. Sloppy and Lazy just about sums it up. These idiots think that such concepts are so simple that one need not sweat it to present them in a more clear fashion. It is evident that these people dont teach for a living - they do research and ask their TAs to do the teaching. One more caveat, dont buy the book written by that other fellow Dr. B.K.Bose. He too I am sure is stuffed to the gills with knowledge and wisdom a la Dr.Mohan here but his ability to present concepts in a simple manner with clear pictures and diagrams also is very suspect. Another $100+ went down the drain for me. My search for a good Power Electronics book goes on. If anyone knows of a good book please help. How much does it take to explain a simple rectifier and inverter circuits? Ye Gods.
This book is great for Electrical Engineering students. I hardly ever find myself wondering what the authors meant because of the very simple and clear writing style used in this text. I think a bit of colour in pictures and circuits would help visual learners such as myself but I'm not complaining. It's black and white start to finish but the method of explanation makes up for this one quirk. All in all, it's a great book and I think I'll be keeping this book forever as reference and not sell it like most of my other engineering textbooks.
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