While my 4 yr old had been potty trained since she was about 2-1/2, she wasn't making it thru the night & so we used Pull Up every night. Shortly after she turned 4 she started waking up with dry pull ups. We gave it a few weeks to make sure it wasn't a fluke & then invested in *two* of these pads. The tuck in feature on both sides is great & I find that it does stay in place even after a nights sleep. She finds it comfortable as she's never complained about it (of course, Princess sheets accomanied this new pad to encourage acceptance and we made a HUGE deal about her giving up Pull Ups & sleeping in regular underwear). The best part about this design is that if there is an accident, you just whip it off (and any other top sheet that might have gotten wet) and tuck in a dry one. No changing the fitted sheet in the middle of the night. For us, if the top sheet or blanket gets wet, I've got a second comforter/blanket in her closet to quickly throw over her. (of course pajama changing can't be avoided) That helps get everyone back to sleep as fast as possible. I've washed them a number of times & they come out of the dryer in the same shape every time (follow washing instructions). The size is also generous. I was worried that she might move off the pad during the night, but with proper placement to where she normally sleeps most of the night, we've never had a problem. It says it absorbs 6 cups; while we haven't tested that, I've never found the pad dripping, so all the urine was securely soaked in. We haven't found a down side to these pads. Even the price isn't bad-- I did some price comparison and maybe you'll find them a few bucks less, but not by much. And, if I may add in a bit of my own potty training 2-cents, my husband wanted her to give up pull ups much earlier, but I was in no mood to change sheets (or these pads) *every* night. I've read that most toddlers' bladders aren't large enough to make it thru the night anyway, so I was just as happy to let it happen naturally. In that way, everyone was happy (well I was and you know what they say about Mamma being happy-- everyone's happy!) Thus, I highly recommend this pad to anyone going down the no-more-Pull-Ups Road. I am sure it would be just as useful for any older child (and parents) dealing with bed-wetting problem.
I absolutely LOVE the Handy's Plus Pad. I purchased 5 of the full-size pads for my son over a year and a half ago and I think they are GREAT. My 4-year old has slept in a full-size bed since he turned 2. These pads really work (no leaks!), are comfortable and wash-up well. I only have 2 complaints ... 1. the side-flaps aren't quite long enough to fully tuck under if you have a pillow-top mattress (although you can make it work if one side of the bed is against the wall and you pull the opposite side really tight) AND 2. the top and bottom of the pad tend to "curl up" after several washings. Despite these complaints, I have not been able to find a pad that is even near the quality and comfort of this one. The reason that I own 5 of these is that, if you truly want "full" coverage on the bed for a child that rolls all over while sleeping, you need to use 2 with some slight overlap (so, 2 to use and 2 for back-up). I also use one on the Spinmaster Flip-Open Sofa to keep spills and accidents from staining the sofa. The full-size fully covers the full-length of the sofa. I think this is a "must have" product for parents of toddlers that don't want to be constantly changing bed sheets or trying to "wash" a children's sofa that really isn't meant to be washed.
(fyi ... If you like Basic Comfort's Ultimate Crib Sheet, then you'll also like their Handy's Plus Pad. The Handy's Plus Pad is basically the Ultimate Crib Sheet with side flaps and without the snaps. In fact, the pad portion of the Handy's Plus Pad - Full size is almost the same size as the Ultimate Crib Sheet.)
It's way too small for a full size bed-- the waterproof portion is only in the middle 2/3-- the ends are only single layer-- so the waterproof aspect doesn't cover the entire bed-- also, the flaps are not long enough to be tucked in all the way ! I had to sew waterproof pads at the end to make it work-- i bought two of them after reading such great reviews-- what a bummer !
When I openened the package, I was really surprised at how soft these are. I had tossed out my previous attempt at waterproofing the twins' beds, because the sheets were so stiff, clammy, and noisy. These are buttery soft, lay beautifully on the bed, and absorb A LOT. They're easy to take on and off - just tuck in. They do take a while to dry, but if you want them to absorb well, that's the necessary trade-off.
I was looking for a nightime waterproof pad for an elderly person. After looking through what Amazon offered I choose this one and have been pleased with it. It does a terrific job in absorbing and keeping the bed dry. It is also very soft and comfortable.
Its not as large as the picture would indicate. Take the measurements given seriously.
This is an excellent value. Recommended. - Baby Needs - Waterproof - Bedding - Incontinence'
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