i have tried files, clippers, pedipaws, basically everything on the market, but my dogs were always traumatized by getting their nails cut. i saw this and figured i'd give it a try. it is smaller than the pedipaws so it is much easier to handle. i have two dogs, a chihuahua (4 pounds) and a japanese chin/papillion mix (12 pounds). it works very well on both dogs. they still don't like to have their nails done, but i can do it without the crawling and scrambling to get away. it works best if done every week or two. if the nails start out extremely long, it would probably take a while. it works very fast and rounds the nail very nicely. no more sharp edges! my chi's nails tend to curl under sharply instead of growing out and this trimmer is so small that it is easy to get the nail trimmed even while it is curled under. my mix dog has quite long thick nails and it trims them very quickly. i have arthritis in my hands and the other trimmers are bulky and hard to use. this one doesn't hurt my hands and is very lightweight. i love this product and will continue to use it! i highly recommend. PetZoom Nail Groom Dog Nail File
I bought this product from [...] because it was cheap and I was looking for an inexpensive alternative to terrorizing my dog with nail clippers.
Some of her nails were pretty out of control and the PetZoom Nail Groom wasn't powerful enough to really take down the worst of them. The ones that needed less work we were able to file down to a reasonable length.
The best part is that while she still hates having her nails done, she seems to hate this method less. When using the clippers, she would move her feet and sometimes push her nail farther into the clippers so we couldn't even make minor cuts without worrying about clipping the quick. Now if she pushes her nail farther into the file we know we won't accidentally clip half her nail off.
I think this product will work best if we get her groomed so her nails are trimmed well by a professional then we can use the Nail Groom to maintain them at a reasonable length.
The motor was surprisingly quiet (though of course the dog could hear it). It takes 2 AA batteries and is easy to handle. If you're looking to test your dog's reaction to a motorized file, I'd recommend this one. You can always purchase a more expensive (high quality?) one later if your dog adapts well to the method.
This little gadget does it's one job excellently well. Doobie Dewey, who struggles with every other impliment I have tried including a file, dozed and lounged through getting his nails trimmed on all four paws. Normally we struggle to get just the front paws done. The rear paws had not been touched in years. He scratches with his rear claws enough to keep them from getting dangerous to him, if not to me.
My one concern is that the grinder will wear and need to be replaced. But even if I have to replace the whole impliment it is well worth it.
Thank you, Amazon.com!
The petzoom nail groom file did not meet my expectations to trim my dog's nails. It shows in the picture a yellow lab, and claims it can trim a bigger dog's nails. The nail file could not trim my 80 lb black lab's nails. It did not grind down the nails much past the point. It does not shorten the length of the nail, it only blunts the point.
I have a shih tzu and she tolerated this product really well. She didn't run for her life, unlike when I purchased pedipaws. I got her nails done pretty fast. Good for maintaining her short nails, which tends to scratch my thigh. Small and easy to handle.
I'll be honest... my dog, a lhasa/shih tzu, gets very scared when she hears the RRRRRRR sound of the mechanism. It trims alright, especially with having not had her nails trimmed for a little under three months :) which means shaving off around 3/4". She fidgets a lot with this but has suffered no injury or pain (a much better alternative to clipping the nails).
I tried the PetZoom on my dogs and it would take forever to file their nails down. If I try to push the down to file them, the petZoom stops. It is not a quick or effective way to trim my dogs nails. I wasted my money! - Clipper - Nail - Grinder - Dog Grooming'
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