I have bought at least 6 Garmin Nuvi's for automobiles and I always like to have the 120 Volt adapter for each. This allows you to charge in your hotel room when using the Nuvi when using it on foot as your personal assistant. I have bought three of this model as they will be used here in the USA only and are about $14.00 cheaper than the fancy one with changable plugs for Europe etc. Totally not necessary here and for about $11.00 this does the trick and it is compact and easy to take along. If you consider buying a nice Garmin unit, treat yourself to this device as you don't need to be in the car to charge it. You can practice with your unit in your living room while plugged into the wall when you do some trip planning and your battery will be right up to par when you put it in your pocket and hit the streets. Or check some locations for tomorrows travel while in your hotel room. OneOwl Rapid Wall / AC Charger for Garmin Nuvi & TomTom GPS Devices - Accessory Power Brand
I selected this product as it was one piece of equipment. It has built in adaptability(for other electric currents) without extra adapters to float around in my house as they somehow always disapppear when I need them.
I purchased this charger for my Garman Nuvi just to keep the batteries up when I don't use the Garmin for a while. I am an electronics hobbiest and opened the charger(not recommended as I imagine it would void the warranty)just to see what I'd bought. Circuitry is very nice setup and not just a cheap transformer and dc bridge like on some chargers I've seen. Nice unit.
I ordered this product because my new Garmin GPS can be used as a pedestrian as well as vehicle GPS. I wanted to keep it charged for when I'm in a major city and walking around. This item works GREAT! It not only fit my new GPS but fit my older model Garmin as well which was an added bonus! - Garmin Nuvi 260 - Garmin Charger'
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