Case Logic DVD binders (also called "wallets") will not hold 200 separate movies -- it can hold 200 separate DISKS. This is important to note because many people are confused by this difference. Look at the number of liner notes it will hold -- that is the number of clear-view pockets you'll have available, one per movie. For example, this model will hold 92 individual movie "sets", meaning each movie will have it's own clear-view pocket and sleeves for storing the disks.
So where does the number 200 come from? There are two disk sleeves for each clear-view pocket (92 clear-view pockets x 2 disk sleeves per pocket brings the running total of available storage up to 184). This arrangement means that you'll either have an empty sleeve for movies with only one disk. And this will probably be the case for most of your movies. But this extra sleeve will come in handy if any of your movies have a separate special-feature disk or are in two parts (like the Lord of The Rings extended editions, which are on 2 disks each). With this system you can store those disks in the extra sleeve.
An additional non-removable disk-only storage area (with 16 slots) is located in the front of the binder, bringing the total disk storage capacity to 200. So this binder really will hold 200 disks -- or you can use it as a movie library, in which case it will hold 92 individual movie sets plus 16 disks in the additional storage area (useful for storing homemade DVDs and other disks that don't come with artwork).
***HERE'S A TIP: I noticed that a few people complained about not being able to browse their movies very easily because the disks are hidden inside their sleeves and often times movies don't come with liner notes for the clear-view pocket. A little creativity can solve this problem and turn these binders into a fantastic movie library.
Instead of leaving the clear-view pocket empty or just putting the liner notes in it, put the movie cover art in there. Remove the wrap-around cover art from the case -- it's really easy to remove if you open the DVD case flat -- just reach in and pull out the paper cover art. Fold it in half and stick it in the clear-view pocket of the binder. If there are liner notes (some DVDs don't have them) we just put them behind the movie cover art.
Now put the matching DVD in the sleeve behind it and repeat this for all your movies. That's it! You've just created a visually appealing, easy-to-browse movie library. You can flip through the binder and look at the full-color covers of all the DVDs you have, similar to looking at DVDs in a video store.
This also solves another dilemma: Even after they place their movies into a binder, some people keep all the empty plastic DVD cases because they want to save them for the coverart. Instead, just use the coverart in your binder's clear-view pocket and you can get rid of those empty plastic cases for good.
***HINT: If you have a DVD case with cardboard artwork that does double-duty as the case cover, just remove the cardboard piece from the plastic frame and separating the front cover art from the back cover art but cutting it in half. You might need to trim them a little, but both pieces will now fit in the clear pocket.
This DVD storage system is much better than storing plastic DVD cases on the shelf or in a drawer because you can only see the DVD's side, which is a slim edge that just contains the movie's title. It's much easier and more fun to browse movies when you can look at the cover, which often has a picture of the actors and other information. When we have friends and family come over for movie nights they think it's really neat to look through our binders.
These binders fit neatly on a bookshelf or they can be stored file-folder style in a drawer near your entertainment system.
***SAVE MONEY: Case Logic makes additional storage pages (refill packs) so you can to keep adding to your binder. However, it's usually cheaper to just purchase a new binder when your collect grows. For example, this 200 capacity binder is generally available for less than $35 and it has room for 92 movie sets. The most popular refill pack generally costs $12 and only has room for 10 movie sets. I'd have to buy over $100 in refill packs to get the same amount of storage that this $35 dollar binder can provide.
***ORGANIZING: For heavy collectors and those with a growing collection, don't try to alphabetize your DVDs -- this will get tiresome and difficult. Instead, just add movies to the binder as you get them and start a computer database of where each one is located, for example "Mission Impossible III -- Binder A -- Pocket 35". You can use Excel or Google Spreadsheet to create a quick & easy list that can be sorted by title or binder collection. This way you don't need to worry about trying to place them in the binder in alphabetical order. You can print out the list for each binder as it gets full and place it inside the binder for quick reference when you just want to browse, but you'll also have the interactive list on your computer in case you want to find a particular movie really fast. Case Logic DVB-200 200 CD/DVD and 92 Liner Note Capacity (Black) - Dvd Wallet - Media Storage - Dvd Storage - Dvd Case'
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