Our boy is now 20-months old and still wears diapers. Huggies manufactures an excellent product and we've used them since he arrived. Lately, they sent us a couple-dollar-off coupon on a new varient of their product. It was blue diapers (Little Movers) with yellowish Levi's-style stitching imprinting on them. The effect was to make the diaper look like a small pair of Levi's shorts. Cute! Well, it's summer and he wears shorts anyway so this does away with one of the garments. My wife wouldn't send him out in tidy-whitie diapers, but these little blue shorts look great. Nifty product!
Gary Peterson Huggies Jeans Little Movers Diapers, Jumbo Pack, Size 5, 27+, 21 ea - Disposable - Huggies - Baby - Child Care'
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