I have an older Xbox 360 20Gb hard drive (HD) model and purchased this kit to upgrade the disk size. This is a GREAT value IMHO.
While I don't need the headset nor ethernet cable, they will be used by others in my family. The bonus is the 3-Month Xbox Live Gold membership card included in this kit (a $19.99 value).
Unfortunately, the kit does not come with the cable and software disk required to copy the information from my existing 20Gb HD to the new 60Gb HD.
If you have a Xbox 360 with a 20Gb HD, Microsoft wants you to buy the 120Gb HD upgrade, which DOES come with a transfer cable. For me, it wasn't worth the extra $50 for the 120Gb HD (you can find it here at Amazon for $134.99). This kit is at the right price point for me and includes enough disk space for my needs. If you DO own an arcade version of the 360, you can get a 20Gb HD from MS for less money. I'd recommend this instead because you will find, as I did, if you intend to download many Arcade titles OR simply want to install more than ONE game to your hard drive, you need more than 20Gb IMHO. And you are going to want a Xbox Live Gold account, at least try it out for more than the 30 days you get when you first get the console. Again, my humble opinion.
Fortunately, you can get this "Xbox 360 Data Migration Kit" in one of two ways;
1) Find one on Ebay or Craigslist. Search for "Xbox 360 Data Migration Kit" and you will find many for sale. Expect to pay $20-$40. You may find it for less but there appears to be a number of folks wishing to corner the market on these things (I'm guessing for pure profit during the holidays). I paid $20 for mine found on craigslist. I intend to resell it on Ebay for at least what I paid for it (there were 12 sold this weekend on ebay alone with at least 26 others to bid on!).
2) Get it for free from Microsoft! As the user above reported, you can call MS and ask for one, they will send you one. Or, you can go to xbox dot com, search for the xbox data migration kit as shown above, click on the "How to obtain the Xbox 360 Data Migration Kit" link. You'll have to click on a couple of links to get to the final page as Amazon won't let me include the actual links in this review...
Go to the bottom of the page to "Related Links" and click on the "How to get your free Transfer Cable" link. Fill out the form and where it asks for the "new console serial number" write "on order". Mail it in and wait a few weeks. (update; I mailed the form on 11/21/08 and rec'd the kit on 12/11/08.)
I didn't want to wait a few weeks, hence the craigslist purchase.
I am perfectly happy with my 60Gb Starter Kit purchase. I copied the data from my old HD (took about an hour - it was FULL!), connected the new drive in place of the old one and everything works great.
If you don't have an Xbox Live Gold account yet, this is an excellent way to "test drive" the service while giving your 360 an needed disk upgrade. Particularly if you plan to stream Netflix movies, install games to the hard drive (available now with the "New Xbox Experience" upgrade), rip more music to it, or just need more room to download Arcade titles. Xbox 360 60GB LIVE Starter Pack
This is a great starter pack. If you were someone who purchased the XBOX360 Arcade, this is a great addition for the recreational gamer. The 60GB hard drive offers plenty of space to store saved game data, music, movies, pics, and anything else you feel like putting on it. The headset is just the standard XBOX360 headset which does work, but if you dont like the 90's Walkman design, then I would highly recommend buying the wireless one that XBOX has available. Now to the best part of the starter pack, XBox Live. XBox Live is the online domain that hundreds of thousands of XBox users are connected by. With XBox Live you can play games online with friends, send messages, chat via headset, or simply play online with random people. I recommend to any XBox customer to invest in XBox Live because it takes the gaming experience to a completely different level.
This is a great package, and when you break it down it is an excellent price. This product is probably used best by someone who purchased the Arcade version and is looking to upgrade. I however needed more space on my hard drive, but couldn't justify $120+ for a 120GB hard drive, which I probably wouldn't fill up.
if you are upgrading, you will just need to buy/ask for a data migration kit. You can get one free from microsoft (ask), or do as I did and hop on ebay for faster results.
Either way, highly recommend this product.
Got this as an upgrade from a 20gb to 60gb
everything great but no data migration kit was included if you wanted to transfer stuff from your old hd to the new one. call xbox live and they will send you one for free. all they asked me was my xbox s/n and name and address and they sent me a kit. waiting for it now. they said 1 week.
The Xbox 360 60GB LIVE Starter Pack is excellent and a must-get for any Xbox 360 Arcade owner.
It comes with everything you need to get starter: 3 months of Xbox Live, a 60 GB hard drive, and it comes with a headset. It's a little pricey, but trust me, you'll be glad you got it. If you're a gamer like i am, it's an excellent device that allows you to add-on loads of content for games. (If they're available, that is.)
In short, a great investment.
I bought the arcade version x-box 360. It came with the memory card which is o-k, but not enough memory to save very many games. This 60- gyg hard drive works great. I now have lot's of memory for all kinds of stuff! I haven't really used any of the live stuff yet but plan on it real soon. a must buy at a great price!
I'll start this review off by saying that the proprietary hard drives made for the Xbox 360 are blatantly overpriced. Microsoft, in its never-ending bid to nickle and dime its customers to death, doesn't allow a standard USB hard drive to function as the console's designated hard drive. Thus, if one wishes to play original Xbox games or store anything over 256MB, one must shell out the dough for the "official" Microsoft Xbox 360 hard drive.
The headset works as well, but I've found that they are cheaply made and prone to breaking.
Xbox Live is fantastic...lightyears ahead of PS3's Network.
One minor peeve I had about the hard drive was that it was loaded with crap out of the packaging. Demos, videos, etc. were all over it. When I buy a 60GB hard drive, I expect an empty 60GB hard drive (or at least close to it).
All in all, everything works as expected. - Xbox Live - Xbox 360 Hard Drive - Video Games - 360 Hard Drive'
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