I just recieved this knife "ex" and I absoultely love it. Its pretty tall and beautifully colored. And me and my friends cant stop talking about it.Also, the knifes that come with it are amazingly sharp. the stand has magnets inside it so the knifes dont just fall out,and the covers in the back protect you from hurting yourself or anyone else other than the "ex" I am now going to decorate my kitchen around this great little item. If you know a girl or woman that is hard to shop for and has a good since of humor go for this right now. Its great.. The Ex 5-Piece Knife Set with Unique Pink Holder Designed By Raffaele Iannello
I got this as a gift.
I really like how it looks.
I only have two small comments about it:
1.) It is taller than you think.
2.) The knives are not really dishwasher safe.
I have rust spots on mine. They cut just fine, but aren't that pretty anymore. I could polish them I guess. Just my two cents.
I saw this product in the Fireworks store in Seattle, WA. I did not see it at that time in Amazon. So I ordered it from Fireworks. A few weeks later I saw it in Amazon for almost half the price. Anyway, I saw some negative comments about this product. I am a non-violence advocate; so the thought of violence did not occur to me when I saw this product. Although the figure is made of plastic (I was expecting it to be ceramic), the knives are excellent; worth the price. It is a conversation piece. I love it; I always love something different and unique. - Pink - Amazon Oddities - Pretty In Pink - Knife Set'
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