After finding that the three linked lights in my utility room (which I always seem to enter with a load in my hands) would not work with a light switch sensor, I decided to try this device. It solved my problem and I am no longer dropping items as I struggle to turn the lights on. I appreciate this device even more each time I carry something into my storage area. First Alert PIR725 Compact Fluorescent Bulb Compatible Motion Sensing Socket
Our old house has the old pull chains for the closet lights to turn them on and off. Well over the years several have broke and I have finally gotten sick of fixing them. So, I looked for some other way to get light in there without hiring an electrician to rewire. Then I came upon this device and thought I would give it a try. I hooked it up in our main bedroom closet - you just pretty much screw in the device and then your light bulb. Close the door and 5 minutes latter: it turns on and off by motion - That's it.
It worked so well, I installed them in all our closets and the basement tool room.
Edit: Just found one issue to let you know about. You need about 2 feet clearance going down at a 45* angle on all sides for this to work perfectly (if that makes sense). So if the light bulb is right next to a wall or there are things placed right next to it; it will have problems turning on thru motion - you will have to wave your hand to get it to turn on. Overall thou I still think it works great and only had a problem with our one closet that had a shelf high up right next to the light bulb.
Bought this motion sensor on/off light because it allowed use of CFLs. The first one worked for a week and then stopped working. Ace Hardware learned of the defect through an email I sent the company and right away agreed to replace it. I've had the replacement in for about five days and so far, so good.First Alert PIR725 Compact Fluorescent Bulb Compatible Motion Sensing Socket
I like the main garage light to turn on when I enter the garage without me (or especially my mother-in-law) hitting the wrong switches among the set of switches that control the garage doors and the other lights. And for it to turn off without needing absent-minded ones to remember.
I had the old style motion-sensitive light, such as First Alert PIR720RN Motion Sensing Light Socket, which works ok for old 60w incandescent bulb, but not for new, low wattage fluorescent bulbs.
This works for me just as promised.
Another home problem solved.
Put it in the ceiling light socket in the garage and it's worked perfectly since the first day. The instructions state this thing may not work if it's too close to a wall or heat source. I thought the garage door opener (lights don't work on it) would cause a problem since it's close to the overhead light socket, but it works fine. The light stays on for 4 minutes once activated and that is plenty of time to get out of the car and haul stuff in the house. Real happy with this product.
I installed this sensing socket in a closet and it would not work. My ceiling is 10ft and the sensors would not turn the light on. Stand on a ladder and waive your hand by it and it would turn the light on.
Formerly we had to walk down the basement stairs in the dark to physically pull the chain to turn on the cellar light. After installing the motion sensing socket, the difference was literally night and day. Walking down just a few steps activated the light and increased our safety 1,000%. Highly recommend.
This is a nice idea as you don't need to rely on switches. The fact that it is fluorescent bulb friendly is a huge plus.
Only draw back is that you don't get to have a decorative fixture attached to it. It works nice in places where a plain looking light bulb will do like in a garage or closets. So far this model is working fine. The price was good.
Bought this for use in a closet but it could not detect me entering directly below the light; sensor visibility seemed to be limited straight down. Subsequently purchased another detector with movable sensor that works perfectly for this purpose: American Tack (Hemco) OMLC3BC Outdoor Motion Activated Light Control - Motion-activate - Energy Savings - Motion Sensor - Convenience'
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