I love my new HTC Incredible smartphone, but was not crazy about how I had to be careful about power management all the time. Turn this off, that off, remember to turn them on. A couple weeks ago, I went on a hike with the My Tracks GPS pathing software running and within a couple hours was down to about half capacity.
Last week, the Innocell arrived. As other commenters have noted, adding this battery to your phone definitely adds to the heft and bulk. On the other hand, this can be a good thing. With the camera lens set back and more case to grip, I've stopped photographing my left forefinger. I also think the lens is better protected from scratches, too.
As for the replacement back cover, it feels exactly the same as the OEM one, as far as materials go -- no sense this is a cheaper cover or not meant to belong on the phone. It snapped in as securely as the original and has the same matte non-slip feel to it.
Using the JuicePlotter app, I've noticed no abnormal heating of the battery when charging or using it.
The instructions recommend several charge cycles before the battery achieves maximum efficiency, but I'm only getting around to doing that now -- and have discovered this thing just won't quit. I have left WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, G3 and synchronization all turned on, have been using the phone normally, made a few calls, went on another 4 hour tracked hike, watched a few YouTube vids, showed off Google Maps at a friend's house over dinner (an hour or two of heavy GPS-ing and mapping demo-mode), did some browsing, monitored the local weather... I took it off the charger last Thursday morning. It's now Monday evening and I still have 16% charge left. That's nearly four and a half DAYS, without even conditioning the battery or making the least attempt to conserve power.
I'm very happy with this battery.
On update, 8/1/10: The 4 1/2 day capacity for me wasn't a fluke. Second go, I took the phone off the charger the morning of July 27th, used it normally the next few days including a GPS tracked hike. WiFi, GPS, and Bluetooth all left on, screen brightness on automatic. The phone didn't pester me to put it back on the charger until late last night, July 31st.
2nd update: 8/6/10: More than five days since last charge, 30% capacity left.
3rd update: 8/22/10: Deliberately exercising this battery the last few weeks, the most I've gotten out of this battery has been 7 days, until it started beeping for the charger; at that point it was around 12% by time I heard it. On a couple heavy-use cycles (lots of talking, GPS tracked hiking, on-highway navigation, photography, non-G3 coverage areas, extra data usage, YouTube viewing and web-surfing while bored in a waiting room, that sort of thing), I have yet to go less than 3 1/2 days. Average for me has been around 5 1/2 days between charges.
4th update: 11/15/10: It's been nearly four months since I got this battery and it's still running like a champ. Most of the time, I go about 3-4 days between charges, not because the phone is out, but just because it's convenient. I continue to be very, very happy I bought this battery. Seidio Innocell 3500 mAh Extended-Life Battery for HTC DROID Incredible (Black)
Yes it will make your phone bulkier. Yes it will make your phone heavier. And yes it might take time to get use to the size increase. But... it is still worth it!
As you know, the stock battery for this phone is not good. There would be days where the battery wouldn't even last for 12 hours. I heard about this Seidio battery and I debated and debated about whether I want the extra bulk or not. I finally decided to order it and I have no regrets. Even with heavy usage, this battery will last 2-3 days before needing a charge. It's such a relief not having to worry about conserving battery. Afterall, we all bought this phone to use it's awesome features, right? So why spend the day fearing that the battery will die before you get home from work or school or road trips? I now can confidently use GPS, navigation, bluetooth, 3G, etc...
Oh, and I actually like the extra bulk in the back because I can also grip the phone better. The higher ridge in back is pretty comfortable for my hands. Another good thing about the bulk is that now when I set the phone down on its back, the camera lens is NOT laying against the surface anymore. With this bigger Seidio battery cover, the camera lens is actually protected and won't be touching against any surfaces like it used to do with the stock battery cover.
In conclusion, I've had this battery for about a week now and I'm certainly glad I bought it, and would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to use their phone with extra peace of mind.
I just got this battery two days ago. After charging it over night, I used it very heavily throughout the day yesterday from 9am-12:30am, more than 15 hours of heavy usage with wifi, 3g, video, web browsing, texting, and more, and I ended up with more than 50% of the battery left over by the time I went to sleep. I decided to shut the phone off over night and leave it off the charger to see how it would do today. I turned the phone on when I woke up this morning, and with less usage than yesterday, but still occasional browsing, texting, and wifi/3g turned on, it still has above 40% juice. I honestly think I could make it more than a week with this battery if I needed to, it has unbelievable capacity, and it will only improve over the next few days.
As for the new back, it is slightly bulkier, but this is really only a slight problem when the phone is in your pocket. When holding the device, it is much more comfortable than before. The ridges of the new back cover conform well to your fingers when holding it, and gives a little more to grip on to, all while resting comfortably in your palm. The back also gives the phone a cool new look from behind, and better characterizes the phone as a "droid."
The camera lens is now protected which is a huge plus because the previously exposed lens was starting to get scratched when I placed it on a surface, an issue which I no longer need to worry about. Both LED flashes are well encapsulated, with only the bulbs themselves exposed (something I couldn't tell for sure from pictures that came as a relief when the package came).
The new back also fits well on the phone, and snaps right into place without issue. The hole for headphone jack (which was encased with metal on the old back) is now only surrounded by a cut-out in the material (no metal). However, headphones still fit well into the jack and connect. I actually found that this new design without the metal greatly improved the reception of the FM radio, a feature of the phone that I was previously having issues with. The FM radio app went from useless and unused to an app that I can now use.
I also found that, if leaned on its side, the phone is supported by the back. With only a little assistance from nearly any object when placed behind the phone (in order to keep it from falling over), the new Seidio back sets up the phone in prime position for viewing the screen, which could become very handy for video streaming and watching, an option has now become possible without worry thanks to the amazing new battery life! a 2-in-1 deal.
Even without the new powerful battery, I would prefer the new back because of all the great features and improvements it has. The only very slight issue with this product is the boxy design and extra thickness, but it really is a very slight issue, and is made up for by the protection and convenience it gives you. The battery under the hood is a beast and will allow you to bring out all the great features in the phone without worrying about it dying.
Seidio has done a wonderful job here. Awesome product. - Incredible - Seidio - Battery - Droid Incredible'
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