As you may or may not know by now, LAW AND ORDER: Criminal Intent has aired its final new episode for the forseeable future or maybe even forever. Not enough vampires I guess. But for those of you who started with Goren and Eames in the beginning and lasted through this eight episode truncated tenth and seemingly final season, you were brought full circle through the Robert Goren and Alex Eames that we grew to love througout their years on the show. Goren had lost weight and the stories got back to where the cases were the star and the detectives were vehicles to outwit the bad guys. Back to the Holmes and Watson of the early days. One of my favorite episodes was when Eames was kidnapped by the daughter of Goren's mentor so she could get her father's affection. For all of the times Eames backed Bobby's play, this was the one time he was allowed to protect her. And he did with a vengeance. I hope this season comes to DVD soon as I would certainly buy it. As it was, I bought it through Amazon On Demand video with a season's pass. Worth every penny. And the touch of Julia Ormand as a cop shrink was inspired both in the idea and the casting.
Goren and Eames need to come back from time to time, (if not full time.) Perhaps guest star on SVU or somewhere. Their craft is unparalleled. The stories right from the first year drawer of excellence. Dick Wolf got it rtight one more time. If there is room for two NCIS shows and a bazillion alien/vampire/invasion shows not to mention the real hosuewives of nowhere america, then there must be an hour a week for TV excellence. Law & Order: Criminal Intent Season 10 [HD] - Criminal Intent - Loci - Mary Mccormack'
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