Bruce Campbell seems to have a kind of love/hate thing going with his fan base. Sure, like any actor he enjoys having fans, but as he's stated in his book and elsewhere that his fans can get a bit outrageous and push things far. This seems to be what sparked My Name Is Bruce. Here he pokes fun at his fandom as well as his career.
In the film he plays Bruce Campbell, but a more fictional Bruce Campbell. He's egocentric, a drunk, lives in a trailer, un-liked and un-respected by the cast and crew of his films, and just an all around jerk. A teen in a small gold mining town called Gold Lick has mistakenly unleashed the ancient Chinese god of war, Guan-Di, and now the angry god is killing off the folks of Gold Lick. The teen, Jeff, also happens to be a Bruce Campbell fanatic. He manages to kidnap Campbell and bring him to Gold Lick where he has convinced the townspeople that Bruce will destroy the evil demon. Bruce is under the impression that he's doing some kind of movie(it doesn't totally make sense why he'd think that he's in a movie when there's no film crew around or why the townspeople would believe that a horror movie actor could really be a ghost buster, but who cares?). He goes coward when the reality of the situation becomes clear, but soon learns how to be the Bruce Campbell he's always portrayed himself to be. I know what you're thinking! My wife tapped my shoulder half way through the movie and said to me, "this reminds me a lot of the Three Amigos". True, it's a very similar concept-the idea of egocentric actors finding themselves in real danger when they think they're only in "reel" danger, but in the end discover that they are heroes.
Needless to say it is a fun movie. Naturally we're dealing with a comedy here, not a horror film. While the laughs are hit and miss, some of them predictable and a bit cliched, this movie really works because of Bruce. We all know that Bruce has a helluva screen charisma and can singlehandedly carry practically any movie just off of his charm. He also directed this movie. It's low budget of course, and Bruce certainly makes the best of that. He built the town of Gold Lick on his own property in Oregon. The supporting cast is decent too, mostly unknowns. Ted Raimi has multiple roles, each a different nationality, allowing him try multiple accents. His Asian character just isn't funny though. Too much of a stereotype Chinese guy. He reminded me of Mickey Rooney in Breakfast At Tiffany's.
It's great how Campbell makes fun of his fans and fandom, yet doesn't totally insult them. He's also able to take potshots at himself and his career. At one point he steals a kid's bike to get away from Guan-Di, and the kid yells at him, "McHale's Navy sucked!!" Funny stuff. He really lays into his flop, Alien Apocalypse, but thinly disguises it here as a film called Cave Alien. Plus there are many more in-jokes that you will definitely pick up on if you're familiar with many of Campbell's films.
Campbell is touring the country right at the moment showing the film and doing 20-30 minutes Q&A sessions after. I'd highly suggest attending this if possible. It's good support for Bruce as well as low budget cinema in general. Plus the man is a treat to see and hear in person. Just as funny and charming as you think he'd be. My Name Is Bruce
There is an audio commentary by Bruce Campbell and producer Mike Richardson. Campbell points out that the entire film was shot on his property in Oregon and they built all of the town of Gold Lick from scratch. He points out all of the intentional goofs in the Cavealien 2 film within the film. Campbell also points out all of the people in the film whom he's known or worked with over the years. He talks about his public persona and how it mixes with his actual life in this film on this entertaining track.
"Heart of Dorkness" is an hour-long making of documentary that starts off riffing on Apocalypse Now. Dark Horse Comics wanted to branch out into independent films and approached Campbell who agreed only if he could direct and star. To cut costs and be more efficient, Campbell hired actors and crew members that he had worked with on other films often going back many years. This is an entertaining and informative look at how this indie film was made.
"Awkward Moments with `Kif'": features two useless bits of the film's associate producer engaging in pointless banter with another crew member.
"Bruce On..." sees the actor pontificating about film budgets, talking about the dangerous wildlife near his home, and jokes about DVD extras.
"Cavealien 2 Trailer" is a pretty funny, intentionally cheesy faux trailer for the movie within the movie.
"Beyond Inside the Cave: The Making of Cavealien 2" parodies those fluffy making of promotional featurettes that populate most DVDs with the cast and crew talking up a film that is obviously crap.
Kif is back in "Kif's Korner" as he talks about the faux DVD and poster art he put together for the film.
Also included are several galleries - poster art (of all the fake films), a gallery for various movie props, and one of movie stills.
"The Hard Truth" is the E! True Hollywood Story-style profile of Bruce that is shown briefly in the film. This is pretty amusing stuff.
"Love Birds" documents the "romance" between two actors who play rednecks in the film.
Finally, there is a trailer for My Name is Bruce.
Rounding out the impressive amount of extras are several Easter Eggs buried throughout the menus and a mini-comic book adaptation of the film.
One of the best Bruce Campbell films made. There's no need to rant and rave - if you enjoy his films, you must see this one. No, you must own this one. Bits and pieces (pardon the pun), pokes and prods of the best and worst of the Bruce Campbell legacy. There's a little something for everyone - eye candy for Bruce wanna-be's; quaint locales and characters for those who are into scenic adventure; comic creativity from the understated Ted Raimi; and a peek at the new shy side of an even sexier Campbell. It's painful to be given a sneek peek at something wonderful and then have to wait over a month to be able to own it, but pain is part of the beauty of a Campbell venture, isn't it?'
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