Been using my ATR-55 for over a year. Really like the amplified TELE feature that seems to reach out and grab sounds, without picking up hardly any surrounding noise. But hey, its uni-directional, so that's one of the things it's supposed to do. Nevertheless, the NORMAL zone is about a 120degree V in front of the mic, and the TELE is about a 90degree V-zone. Was videotaping our school's football game, and filmed one half in TELE mode, and the second half in NORMAL mode. The TELE mode was almost eerie, because you could pick up the voices out on the field, but all the surrounding noise (fans) could hardly be heard. The NORMAL mode picked up a little more audience noise, so it sounded more natural, but nevertheless still filtered out the other people talking in the press tower with me. The TELE mode is very nice for lectures, so that it doesn't pick up distracting noises, including that of the camcorder's mechanism - that's why I go this in the first place, because the OMNI-directional microphone in the digital camcorder was picking up too much noise (including its own motor) during really quiet lectures. Just be aware that this unit is _not_ stereo - you should either get a mono-to-stereo adapter to use with it, or set the sound input on the camcorder to mono. Otherwise, you'll just get sound coming out of one speaker on stereo play-back. If you need stereo, get the ATR-25, which is very nice and also uni-directional, but lacks the ATR-55's TELE feature. Basically, TELE was more important to me than stereo, but it might be different for you. I wear headphones plugged into the camcorder while filming, this way I can better monitor the sound pickup, and make a determination between whether TELE or NORMAL is best for any given situation - the difference is noticeable. I gave it four stars because it is very good, but I'm sure units like a nice Sennheiser are better, but for much more money. This is a nice looking, solidly built unit, and a decent value to boot.
UPDATE (03.07.2010): Be aware that the ATR-55 requires the use of one AA battery that is installed inside its aluminum shell. Audio Technica ATR-55 Condenser Shotgun Microphone
I've rented the high end gear before (Seinheiser shotgun with full zeppelin setup) and I've got to say that this little mic is an odd little option that I like having in my bag of tricks for shooting movies.
It is VERY easy to use. I love the tonality in the 'standard' mode, though the range is quite low when compared to other high end mics. So, as a 'shotgun', the standard mode is pretty useless. However, it delivers a very rich and engaging tone and I find myself using this mic in 'standard' mode very often for regular vocal performances.
The 'tele' mode definitely extends the range...Quite a bit further than the high end mics in fact. The problem is that the overall sound can become a little thin. It definitely doesn't have the same warm quality as the standard mode. However, if you can't get a boom in close enough (and you don't have LAV's), the telescopic mode can really get you out of a jam.
Standard mode = great sound with good directionality, but poor range.
Tele mode = thin sound, good directionality, very good range.
this is a good mici just got back from our first shoot using this thing insted of onboard camera micswhat a differencethe range in incridblewe had someone just walk out and keep talking, i switched the mic to tele and i could hear him allmost 100 meters away from the camera on headphoneshas both tele (for long distance, often picks up to much back ground noise, and is not best for close up situations) and normal(which has decent distance as well and works fine indoors)the only problem was that we kept getting it in the picture, but thats not a mic malfunction, just me being stupidthe windscreen is very useful, i have allways had trouble with wind using onbard camera mics, and this works much betteryes, it is mono, only putting out sound to the left ear, but using premeire you can just duplicate the left audio track and it comes out fine.well worth itonly downside is the tele pickup gets a bit fuzzy with background noise
This is a great microphone. I bought it and tested all functions the same day. I am shooting some non-budget short movies and it comes in very handy. Very clean sound. Deep base and crisp high tone. The price is outstanding, I feel like I'm ripping off Audio-Technica. What a steal! I don't see any reason not giving it 5 stars. It does what it promises for so little money. My only wish is that the cable would be a little longer, but then it would loose on quality, because it's not an XLR connector. Who cares though, most camcorders don't come with XLR anyway (not mine). I say buy it, you won't regret it. It's gold for peanuts.
While this microphone does give you decent sound quality and performance for a good price, they aren't built very well and don't last long. In September '06 I purchased ten of these microphones for teachers to use in their classroom with students. It's now May, and all but two have failed.
The problem is that the wire used for these is so thin and delicate that it breaks after only a few months of normal use/handling (rough use cuts that down to a few weeks). What's more, most electronics repair shops refuse to repair these because of the poor quality of the materials used. Azden makes a similar microphone for a few more dollars. I've had better luck with it, even though it appears to be made of only slightly better materials. As these break, I'm replacing them with the Azden SGM-X (about $110 new). So far, so good.
I tried to be as frugal as reasonably possible in my video spending (Canon ZR 800 cameras are doing OK so far...) but it appears that a decent shotgun microphone that you can expect to last for more than a year starts at around $110. Best of luck; not an expert in this area, so would appreciate any advice from those "in the know" for good mics to use with younger students. THX - Shotgun - Audio Technica - Mic - Film Making'
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