I ordered this helicopter along with 3 other helicopters. 3 from Syma and one off brand helicopter. I ordered multiple helicopters because the only ones I have flown have been 2 channel and if one broke I would have backup. I ordered the Syma S107 and S105 at the same time, and the S107 arrived first and the S105 arrived the next day. On my frist flight of the S107 I was suprised how stable and smooth the flight was. The box says 14 and up but I think anyone could control this helicopter. It goes up, down, left, right, forward, and backwards, all at a balanced speed thats good for indoor flight. It is not too slow to be boring or too fast that you can't controll it. The trim button on the controller is pretty much not needed because it does not spin out of control. I still havnt adjusted the trim after about 20 flights. Also, both Syma helicopters are VERY durable since they are made of metal and hard plastic. The blades are also durable. There are some differences in the S107 and S105. The S105 is slightly wider and slightly longer. It also has two LED lights on each side and one in the front, a total of 6, which can be cool or annoying, it just depends on preference. The s107 has a single light on the front. The S105 seems to spin out more than the S107 and is more difficult to trim. This is an obvious flaw that was addressed with the newer S107, because it does not spin out at all. They both can be charged with the controller or through a USB port on your computer which is good if you don't want to waste your batteries on your controller. They both use 6 AA batteries in the controller. Both helicopters are extremely durable and have been crashed several times. My only complaint with them is the flight time is only around 5 minutes, although I don't have anything to compare it to because the other 2 helicopters I ordered are still not here yet after about a week and a half. Also, the only option for shipping is standard shipping. Overall I would recommend the S107 over the S105 because of the trim issue with the S105, but both are excellent helicopters and they are a very good price. Syma S107/S107G R/C Helicopter - Colors may vary
The thing is a breeze to fly! Mine arrived in perfect condition, and with 3 days of flights w- no crashes the helicopter stopped lifting off & the controller was acting crazy, even after a battery change. Found out the lower rotor shaft has slipped out of place and was not rotating at full speed. A small piece of duct tape has secured the rotor shaft back in place. The rotor shaft thing has been reported in other RC group sites, so buyers should be aware that this may happen to them as well. Now lift off is working again, and will have to see how well the controller works. Overall the best flying helicopter in the price range, but made in China so quality may be questionable.
The Syma S107 is the best indoor micro helicopter you can buy. The Gyroscope technology is amazing. This thing is extremely easy to fly because it's so stable. And it's virtually indestructible. In my experience charging by USB takes about an hour and flight time is around 8 minutes or so. The worst part about this helicopter is waiting for it to recharge.
This helicopter definitely delivered what the reviews said about it (so far). I've only owned it for about a week, but I've been flying the heck out of it and it's a blast! Is it durable? Yes. Indestructable? No. I've flown it into the roof of the warehouse at my work (about 35-40 feet up), and had it fall all the way down to the concrete below and have it not break. On the other hand, the first time I let my wife fly it, she crashed into the wall, it fell between a child-gate and a stone hearth, and the shaft bent. Turns out it just needed to be bent back a little and it was as good as new (literally). I also had a bad crash with it and broke the top of the shaft where the balance bar is. I thought it was going to be a more involved fix, but all I had to do was buy a $3 shaft replacement, take out two screws, replace the top plastic part of the shaft, replace the screws, and it was good to go again.
I'm tempted to have my 3-year-old play with it, but I don't think he's capable yet. I bet you that a 4-year-old could (even though it says 14+ on the packaging), and I have a blast with it as a 32-year-old man (what a surprise). When I play with the copter at work, my coworkers stand around and stare at it (sorry, customer service). When I play with it at home, my 3 and 1-year-old boys laugh hysterically and chase it around the house. My dog wants to eat it (and has got his teeth on it a few times), and my cat is scared as **** of it.
I purchased this one to practice learning how to fly before I open the Chinook I purchased for Christmas, and it was a great idea. I now know how to fly the thing without destroying it and still having a ton of fun. As far as ease of flying goes, this model is super easy. EXTREMELY stable (people who see it fly are really impressed) because of the Gyro system, and doesn't fly too fast so you're crashing into walls nonstop. It doesn't have a very fast forward speed (actually faster backward), but I've read you can add some weight on the nose to get it going faster (which I'm assuming may affect it's hovering ability), plus the slower speed keeps you from crashing. When the battery is fully charged, this guy takes off (up) extremely quick. It'll catch you off guard when it first happens. As the battery drains you will lose elevation (lift), until ultimately it just hovers barely off the ground and you can skate it around the floor. Then back to charging (the USB charger has a light on when you plug it in. When you plug the helicopter in the other end, the light turns off. When the charging is complete, the light turns back on again... simple and about 45 minutes -- save the batteries in the remote control), and flying (about 5-8 minutes, as advertised... depending on how aggressively you fly it).
Finally, I was worried about the infrared controller's ability, but it works great (even around some obstructions, as long as the signal can bounce of surrounding walls). Only time it cuts out is under real bright lights and, more specifically, direct sunlight. I've flown it outside when there is no wind and it's just before dawn (or dusk) and it works fine.
Can I really say any more? I convinced my wife that we should buy one for my brother-in-law for Christmas and, for such a low price including super saver shipping, it's a great deal. I can't wait to open my double rotor Chinook for Christmas!'
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