I bought this gun about a year ago. It's great when you are fastening joist hangers on decks, truss ties, floor truss hangers. Man this kicks too. Careful when you use it cause it can shock your wrist. Makes my framing days alot faster when I am build a new home. It's very light and small enough to get into tight spots. I like how safety works on it. And loading is pretty nice too. This gun is worth having if you frame alot houses or build alot decks. Time it saves is worth the cost. Would buy again. Hitachi NR65AKS Strap-Tite 1-1/2-Inch to 2-1/2-Inch Positive Placement Nailer with Short Magazine
This is a sweet strap nailer. I bought the short magazine one a few weeks and have been very pleased with its performant. We framed up a house that called for A35 on every freize block and a H1 on every truss, not to mention the various straps and other hangers. It worked awesome. It had no problem driving 2 1/2 nails into 6x12 beams for straps. It is very quick to use with the nail tip sticking out, just point and shoot. It even worked for toenailing 2 1/2 nails in the joist hangers, I don't know if they recommend that or not, but it worked. Overall it probably almost paid for itself on one job, it is light, easy to use, powerful, everything you are looking for in a gun. I also put a rafter hook on it, the same one that fits that NR83, and that is handy too, worth that 12 bucks for the hook.
This is a nice, light metal strap nailer. It's angled so it gets into most tight places. I've done three houses with it and haven't had a jam. It fires the nail each and every time with no problems. This is a real labor saver!
I had been using the Paslode Positive Placement nailer previous to purchasing the Hitachi. We had nothing but problems with it, not to mention that it feels like a boat anchor. Once I bought this, my guys won't use the Paslode anymore. I only wish I would have bought this one 1st! When you buy quality, you only cry once...
Received this in time to use it on a small addition I'm currently building. Began to have some problems right off the bat with this gun. First off, it won't fire the last 5 nails without another strip of nails to back them up. Now this may not be Hitachi's fault, but I used the nails that Amazon advertised with the gun, and a second strip will not fit in. So you have to pull out the last few nails to proceed. Second, the safety probe slipped from the track it rides in and jammed, preventing the gun from shooting until you stop and replace the safety into position. This happened several times, slowing the process down immensely. Pretty costly considering the price of labor these days. I have to say I really expected a lot better engineering from Hitachi. They need to do some serious re-designing on this one.'
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