I purchased this neutralizer for after an Glycolic acid / Lactic Acid Peel by Cellbone. I do not know that it is doing more than a 60+ second rinse with cool water on this lighter peel solution; however, I used it. I think that 1 cup of cool water and a tablespoon of baking soda might work just as well to neutralize the peel.
I was very pleased to see a sample of Cellbone's glycolic cleanser and a small sample of lactic acid / glycolic acid peel in my order. I also ordered the prep, which may also be a nice mini peel tonic to be used after one washes their face. When applied to skin cleaned with Cellbone's glycolic cleanser, it has a little sting to it. Neutralizer skin pH balancer helps balance the pH of your skin for the safe and effective neutralization after peeling.
This is a very good, soothing post-peel neutralizer that also moisturizes the skin a bit. I do the occasional at-home peel and this helps to calm the skin down afterwards. Very good value for the price.
I started with having peels done at a salon and decided I'd rather do them at home. I felt I need a ph balancer for the skin after the peel and this is the one I chose. So far I'm very happy with the results and feel it's doing just what it's supposed to do. The prices for the items I bought are very acceptable and the quality is just as good as what I was paying high dollar to achieve.
I would recommed this product if you do peels at home.
You know the feeling, the burn that keeps going, even after you have removed your peel. This product puts a gentle and soothing halt to it. Peel is over, no lingering burning. Just soothing cool relief. Love it.
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I have tried the GLYCOLIC acid peel from CELLBONE (check out my separate review for that product if you are interested) and have found that using this NEUTRALIZER afterwards calms my skin and seems to HALT the peeling process and SOOTHE my treated skin as it says it does.
WITHOUT using it (which I have only done once or twice) my skin felt mildly irritated, so while it does not make a HUGE difference, is it more COMFORTABLE to use this product after a PEEL. I would recommend this to follow ANY type of peel as a soothing FINISH.
For an African American woman suffering from some serious adult acne, this product is fantastic!! I've used this product for the past couple of weeks and I've noticed that my skin is starting to "take" to the product and I'm not breaking out as much. One suggestion I will make, is gradually work your way up to longest time allowed. I went 3 minutes on my first try (like an idiot)and even though I didn't blister my skin, it was very close. As long as you follow the directions and remember your sunscreen you will be good.
This product instantly soothes my skin after the peel solution. I was surprised when I recieved a FREE bottle of the 35% peel solution in my package! The order arrived very fast. The free peel has definately earned this company a return customer.
If you are doing a peel....GET THIS! Trust me, you'll want to stop the burn/stinging and this does the trick if your skin is sensitive or dry. Maybe not everyone needs it but I sure did and glad I had it ready to go after my first peel application. - Chemical Peel - Soothing - Facial - Peels'
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