Suffice to say, that when I misplace my sharpwritter I go to great lengths to try finding it back. When I don't find it, my day becomes miserable. I love it. It writes well - just like a pencil. Unlike a pencil it erases perfectly. And unlike any other (expensive or not) mechanical pencil I have used, the lead doesn't break. That is the hidden beauty of this product - the control you have on the length of the lead coming out of the pencil. I have become good @ it to pull it out enough to be able to write a long time, but not so much as to break the lead. I have, however, seen other people borrowing it from me, pulling the lead too long and breaking it. In addition to the deft use, I believe the lead of sharpwritter is stronger than that of the other products - another reason for it not breaking that often (or never in my case). Paper Mate Sharpwriter 0.7mm Mechanical Pencils, 12 Yellow Pencils (3030131)
I've been using the Paper Mate Sharpwriter Non-refillable Mechanical Pencil for many years. It's the only one I use. I hate regular wood pencils and I don't like those expensive refillable pencils either. I also don't like any mechanical pencil where you click the eraser part to bring out more 'lead'. For example, I tried one by BIC with the clicky eraser and I hated it including how it felt in my hand. I like the twist mechanism of the Paper Mate Sharpwriter the best. Twist it in for travel and twist it back out again for use. Perfect. I also like this pencil because it's not heavy and the outside is rounded and smooth which doesn't hurt my fingers.
I don't abuse things I own, so I never have trouble with my pencils breaking on the inside. I have nothing bad to say about this pencil, it's great just the way it is. It's affordable, easy to use, and as with any mechanical pencil, it's always sharp. I love having a pencil that is always ready to use and this one is better than all others I have tried.
Effectively cheap, works every time, and free shipping. You literally cannot go wrong with this purchase. I keep them in my desk at work to take phone messages and the like. A few people stopping by have asked if I had a pen or pencil for loan. I have happily given them one of these because they are so inexpensive. 3 out of 4 have come back and asked where I got them so they could get a pack of their own. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
Started back to school again this semester and decided to stock up on pencils. This particular pencil has been my favorite for years. I've bought more expensive (refillable) pencils but did not like them as much.
I have carpal tunnel syndrome so after a lot of writing my hand starts to cramp up. I guess these fit my hands better and unless I'm writing for hours I have no problems with them.
Also, I wanted to note that even though I've used other pencils with 0.7mm lead these seem to be sturdier and do not break as often.
I did get one bad pencil out of the bunch. The lead would not stay in the pencil no matter what I did. Then without warning the whole thing fell out. But, that is only one out of close to 30 pencils so I won't complain.
The good:
+ Functional - twist the top & you get more graphite - simple. It's really easy to extend the graphite mid-sentence with your thumb and index finger.
+ Eraser - same type as the typical wooden pencils (the best type)
+ Cheap - throw them away after you use up the graphite. Most of the time my eraser is gone at the exact same time
The bad:
+ Impossible to refill
This is a basic, mass-produced pencil. It has no frills or gimmicks, which is exactly why I love this pencil. It does everything it is supposed to do very well - write & erase. I strongly prefer to use a new mechanical pencil every time the eraser is fully used up (the eraser refills are inconvenient / never really work well). The graphite and eraser tend to be fully used up at the exact same time - perfect timing! If you prefer to get a pencil that you can refill both the graphite and eraser, then choose a different product.
I have been using these pencils exclusively for the past two years in math classes. The quality of purchased wooden pencils is no longer reliable. (The lead seems to be either broken into many tiny parts or it is off-center within the wood. Either way, the sharpeners grind away until the pencils are unuseable.) I have never found a better price on these PaperMate mechanicals!
These mechanical pencils have been around for forever and there's a reason for that. They work well and write smoothly, the lead holds up to considerable pressure, and the twisting action of the tip makes it easy to dispense more lead AS YOU WRITE. Other designs make you click on the side of the pencil, which means you kind of have to stop writing or at least maneuver your hand away a bit, whereas this style allows you to simply rub your index and middle fingers ever so slightly, all the while writing and not moving your hand away from the page. It's quick and uninterrupted. Another advantage to this pencil is that erasers fit nicely over the end if and when you use up the stock eraser. Best of all, these are priced right. All in all, it's a quality pencil at a bargain price. - Paper Mate - Mechanical Pencils - Good Quality'
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