I have read a lot of WWII books and I'm pretty familiar with a lot of things that went on during the war. (even though there are probably a million stories that haven't been told.) But this book gave me a whole new perspective.
Joe Beyrle was a paratrooper with the Screaming Eagles and dropped behind enemy lines. After a few days lost and alone, he was unfortunately captured by the Germans. Wounded, beaten & tortured he was moved from one prison to another. Wow, what this guy went through!
But he never gave up on trying to escape. Except that he had the worst luck where that was concerned. Talk about jumping from the fire into the frying pan!!!
He finally did escape and hooked up to fight with the Russian army. This is where the new insights come in because I learned more about the Russian losses in WWII than I ever realized.
Americans can't even begin to imagine how many Russian soldiers and civilians were killed in the war. No wonder they hated the Germans. And fighting along with them, Beyrle grew to respect his new friends (though definitely not Stalin, the country's leader, who didn't seem to care how many of his people died, as long as the Germans were pushed back.)
This book was so interesting, I couldn't wait to find out what happened next. It is written very well, and Thomas Taylor explained the battles and progress of the European theater of war so that it was easy to understand. He would tell the story from Joe's point of view, then in the next chapter, let you know what was going on with the rest of the war at this time. There was so much suspense, I could totally see this made into a movie. I definitely recommend it. Behind Hitler's Lines: The True Story of the Only Soldier to Fight for both America and the Soviet Union in World War II
I am very suprised this book is not as popular as others. It reads like a movie. The things this man went through were unthinkable. I was on the edge of my seat anxious to get to the next page the whole time.
I am not very good at giving reviews as others but I have read many other war memoirs. Its very hard for me to find a World war 2 one that I have not read and this one ranks towards the top. If your reading this review and considering the book- please get it. You will not be sorry. Its an easy read, the chapters are not that long and the story is just simply amazing.
This guy did not recieve the commeroation he deserves for what he went through.
This is a great book. this is a story about joe from the 101st airbourne. it shows his triumphs and let downs through world war two. from his first mission to his last. i am a junior in high school and am not that big of a reader. this was honestly the first book i couldnt put down. every page interested me more than i thought a book ever could. a very good bokk for someone my age or above. his intelligance and will to survive made this story one of the best.
A very well-written account of one gentleman who served with the 101st Airborne. His adventures are so twisting and turning, it must be a true account! If it were fiction, the reader would say -- couldn't be done! The book reads like fiction, i.e., it is easy to read. Recommended by this reader.
I enjoyed this book. I would reccommend it to anyone interested in World War 2. While reading Mr. Taylor's story I was often tempted to shout, "Wait! Don't do that!", as the author described what his next plan was. It seems almost like a comedy of errors that Mr' Taylor stumbled through, though there was nothing comical about being in combat, being captured and certainly not about being tortured day after day with unimaginable pain derived from the most medival of techniques. The jump into Normandy, the capture, the POW camps, the escapes, recapture, the near-death torturing, the final escape, fighting along side the Russians. It's all here in great detail. If you think you will like this book-you will!
As an author writing about WWII I read WWII books all the time. This one really stands out both for its TRULY unique story and the writer's skill. A very moving and violent book indeed. I truly had a hard time putting down this book. I sought every opportunity to continue reading it. Very well done Mr. Taylor!
Best regards,
Lars Gyllenhaal
Rosvik, Sweden - Memoirs - Escape - Biographies Or Memoirs - World War Ii'
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