This is my second trim book i bought so far. The other was a stanley book. Im a home owner with good carpentry knowledge. I bought this book to learn the proper way to do trim work and not the harry homeowner piece together rig job. I rate this book 3.5 stars but there was no option for that. The book has lots of pics and covers a good ammount of tasks. I found the details to be confusing to understand. It will get you thru the job but you will have to read the material in the book a few times first to fully grasp the technique. I found the stanley book more user friendly and easier to understand. This book covers more tasks than the stanley book. I would personally recommend the stanley book over this one but it cant hurt to read a few books on trim work. Trim Complete (Taunton's Complete)
As a professional furniture maker, I don't often work with trim, but I read this book while researching an architectural project. I can't say that it was terrible, but it does not compare well against Taunton's other book on the subject, Trim Carpentry Techniques. The "high quality" photographs in Trim Complete only accomplish one thing; They make the mistakes easier to spot. Flipping through it the first time I found so many sloppy, amateur mistakes, I had to double check to see if Taunton really did publish the book.
Craig Savage made a few mistakes himself, and some of his drawings are incorrect. His photos are superb, because the work is exemplary.
Check out Craig Savage's book. It is better, and (as I write this review) less expensive. [...]
Previous reviewers are correct in describing this book as the best on the subject of trim work. I have many Taunton publishing books and as usual the photography is excellent! I have looked at other trim books and usually they are full of 'line' drawings. There is nothing like a great pic to illustrate how a project is being done.
I was looking for a book to help me with Arts & Crafts style trim around the doors and windows in my home. This book had exactly what I needed, and I found the excellent photos to be story-telling enough that I didn't spend much time with the main text. In addition to showing how to make several styles of trim, the book has a lot of tips and tricks to make the job easier and faster. I'm just a home owner with some carpentry skills, but the contractor putting an addition on my house complimented the finished trim. I highly recommend this book.
Offers good examples of the choices and styles of trim available for all sorts of situations: windows,
doors, crown, etc. Nice basic instructions but could use more detailed instructions in some applications.
Doesn't advise on how to actually lay out trim detail as much as I would have liked.
I am in the midst of a home remodel, and this book has proved its value. From the extensive coverage of door and window trim to capping half walls and railings, this book terrific. The level of detail and the photos are very good. The projects included are very relevant to a handyperson - you don't need to be a master carpenter to get good results. Of note, this book is NOT about crown molding. That is a complex task of its own and is wisely left out of this book. - Trim Book - Home Repair - Molding - Trim'
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