Make sure you read the last line of the description because you have 10 days from the purchase of the camera to return warranty to Nikon! I received a camera as a gift and bought the warranty thinking the warranty started from the purchase date on the receipt. When I received the warranty, it stated that I had 10 days from camera purchase date to return the warranty for it to be effective. Only buy this when you buy a new camera at the same time. Nikon 2-Year Extended Service Coverage for Coolpix Digital Cameras
From Nikon USA's website ([...]):
Nikon 2 Year Extended Service Coverages
Nikon sells Two Year Extended Service Coverages for most Coolpix and D-SLR cameras. ( Due to state law, Nikon ESCs are not sold in Florida, Virginia or Washington states.) These coverages extend your original Nikon warranty for two additional years. The ESC can be purchased ay time within the original one year Nikon Inc. warranty. To learn more and to purchase an ESC see:
The purchased ESC form must be completed and mailed in as indicated on the form and a copy of the form as well as the original proof of purchase should be kept for future reference. Contrary to what some of the forms indicate there is no "10 day" limit on mailing the ESC form. As long as the ESC is purchased and the form submitted within the first year the ESC will be valid.
It is always recommended that you retain your original sales receipt or copy of your credit card statement as proof of purchase.
I normally don't go for the extended warranties or service contracts but for the price it is cheap insurance. I have not used it but logic would indicate that an extended warranty offered by a reputable original equipment manufacturer would be superior to any third-party offering. I received the certificate in the mail within a few days of making the purchase and registered it on line with Nikon without issue.
it was useless... it was purchased seperate from the camera
and if you don't register within 10 days of original purchase
it's not valid. and the warrenty was purchased and recieved
after the 10days...good thing it was less than $10.00
only buy this at the same time as the camera
Amazon.. should not sell this product seperatly
These guys helped me work out my situation with excellent customer service. (I failed to understand the submission timeline on the ESC for a Nikon new purchase.) They worked it out and it was all good. Highly recommended.
I returned the camera because I found out that the person I was giving it to already had one. When I tried to get the warranty refunded I was unable to. Be ware...do not fill out the warranty card before you give the camera as a gift. If the card is filled out they will not refund your money. At least, that is the excuse they gave me. - Recommended - Very Good Product - Nikon Coolpix'
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