For the price ($70'ish?) I didn't expect much, but it looked good in print, worth a try. When I opened the box I was VERY impressed. This unit (an ELP-38) is combat, rock solid (says it all). All the screw fittings are fine-threaded and have rubber O-ring sealers. I'd wager that this unit would have no problem working under full water submersion, and I may try it someday and add to this report.
As per functionality, the light is rated at 150 lumens, good? bad? Here's how I rated it as "GOOD!"..
a) It lit up a totally dark room like daytime.
b) It lit up the inside of an SUV through dark tinted windows like a flood light.
c) I had my partner give me a sudden blast of it square in the face from 10' away, and I was absolutely blinded like looking into a welders arc. I had a brown dot in my vision for a half-hour afterwards (definately not fun, won't do it again).
The laser comes with a rubberized push-button ON/OFF switch, and a "momentary" pressure activated remote switch on coil cable. Both work great.
The light also comes with "momentary" pressure switch. The "push button" on the light however, is kinda' lame. It's on a screw-cap. You have 2 options: 1) to screw the cap all the way on, and light stays on until you back off the screw. 2) you press the steel back button with your thumb until light comes on, but have to hold it to keep it lit. Let it go, lights goes off. For my mission, I will simply screw the cap to full "ON" and leave it on until done. I personally will have no reason to shut it off tactically during the use. (some other folks may)
I mounted the unit on the port side of a Command-Arms TRM3 picatinny rail, mounted on a Colt AR15's top/forward handguard. It fits up easy and locks down rock solid.
The very best part of this unit is the rotating laser adjustment ring. If you've used laser sights before, you know that the parallax offset is a pain when trying to sight the bullet impact with the laser. It's HUGELY important to try and get the laser as close to the barrel as possible.
With the ELP-38's 360-deg rotating laser ring, I pivoted the laser around, down, and ONTO the Colt-AR15's barrel! (I'll attach a photo of this later). The laser literally lays aside the barrel. It is on the exact horizontal & vertical plane, and fractions of an inch from the bore! It peaks out barely enough for the laser beam to clear the outter edge of the muzzle-break flash-guard.
The parallax is absolutely the least using this setup, next best thing to having a laser in the tip of the bullet, pointing down the bore.
If they had a rubber "On/Off" button on the light, this unit would be 6-stars all the way. ******
I have shopped and shopped for a light laser combo, wanting a good product but not wanting to pay the hundreds of dollars that the seemingly good lights cost. I finally decided to give this one a shot. Guys I got it and it is the real deal. Solid construction, excellent mount, bright light, and bright laser. This is everything the description says it is. It actually didn't do it justice. You will not be disappointed by your purchase. I can't believe how affordable it was. I almost bought a different brand for double the cost. I think I'll order another for my other tactical riffle.
I would have given this 5 stars, but the elevation and windage adjustments would be better if there were positive click stops. Lots of minute adjustments with a little screwdriver. But once sighted in, it has stayed dead-on with shoot from the hip accuracy at 75 feet. Everyone has been amazed at how bright the led flashlight is. It really lights up the night.
Mounted this to my JG M4 S-System on the Right side Rail.
Sighted it in and it works Great.
LED Flashlight is SUPER bright.
The Laser is Good and Powerful and will work for good long distances.
You can use with Pushbutton on the Back of the Laser and/or the Flashlight
- or -
You can attach (included) Pressure Pads on Gun or Foregrip.
I am using the Pressure Pad for my Laser, but prefer not to use it on my Flashlight.
Either way you like it the Flexibility is There.
(Pressure Pads are Momentary ie. as long as you press it that device is on.
The Laser can be Rotated around any one of 16 Positions around the Flashlight.
This is ideal cause you will want your Laser as Close to the Barrel as Possible so Close and Long Distance will Sight in Better.
Purchased this item for mounting on Mossberg 500c 20ga shotgun. Received it today. I have not yet fired the shotgun w/ this mounted on top. However, here are my perceptions thus far:
1. Solid construction
2. Mounting on weaver rail is simple. Large fasteners makes it even easier.
3. Laser is bright and clear. Adjustment is simple.
4. Flashlight is BRIGHT! I purchased this in order to assure that I am not firing at a friendly in a home defense scenario. Aimed it down the hallway of my 2nd story to simulate a home invasion amongst my childrens rooms (late night w/ no light). This thing lights up the hallway like a small star. Anyone standing on the other end of the hallway would be seeing spots and shielding their eyes....all while I lay down some rounds in their direction.
5. Pressure sensors are perfectly sensitive. Mounted them both in the thumb area of my left hand on the forearm. Both activate and shut off w/ a small shift in pressure.
Again, I have not fired my shotgun w/ this attached. However, given where I've mounted it on the shotgun, I do not expect to have too much recoil risk. Regardless, I cannot address how it stands up under actual fire. I can merely provide my opinions thus far. This thing is sold and it has raised my level of comfort/confidence in protecting my family dramatically. - Tactical Light - Ar-15 - Tactical Laser - Laser Sight'
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