After waiting months for this product to be released, I finally received my order today. Of course I ripped the box open and tried it right away with my Roland TD-9 drum kit.... And it worked flawlessly. I 5-starred the first sing I tried on Expert Pro Drums... A song I know well enough to perform on stage. It's amazing to finally play the song in RB3, instead of playing the game. Now the fun is more about learning all of the more complex parts to my favorite songs. Could hardly be more happy with the adapter. The build quality is great, except that the PS logo on the PS button fell off immediately upon handling the unit itself, but it's easy to understand they just paste on the PS or Xbox logo depending on the unit. All the other buttons have great action, for what it's worth.
Two minor points to be aware of:
- You WILL need a MIDI cable to connect this adapter to your instrument of choice; one does not come bundled.
- You may (probably will) want to change the MIDI value on your drums so that an open hi-hat triggers as a blue cymbal... If your drums support such a feature. PlayStation 3 Rock Band 3 MIDI PRO - Adapter
It works perfectly on a 8 yr old Casio Keyboard. Once I acquired a MIDI cable it took me longer to figure out the keys (10 seconds) than the setup.
Don't FORGET to have a MIDI to MIDI cable!!!!
As a long time ROCK BAND fan I am totally happy with the purchase.
I had to buy this adapter to use the new Fender Squier Stratocaster with Rock Band 3. This was like going to the dentist for a teeth cleaning, you have to do it, but it is no fun.
Yes this looks like a fully functional Midi adapter that could be used for a lot of things, like connections to computers or other music devices. But my need is exactly one thing, play a Strat on Rock Band. For that single function, this adapter works.
The construction feels really cheap. The plastic belt clip on the back will break easily. The whole thing feels like an empty plastic box. The only niceties are the satin finish plastic top, the really positive midi connection, and the fairly long USB cable.
In March 2011, availability of this adapter for the PS3 was really bad. This is almost an impossible to find device, and the price gouging of the resellers is incredible. Mad Catz doesn't show any ship dates or available direct either. You might consider a visit to your local big box video game / electronics store. My store happened to have on the shelf, but showed no inventory on line. I paid standard list price of thirty nine ninety nine. Nobody should ever pay over double that price.
A necessary evil I wish I didn't have to buy to play an incredible game with an amazing guitar.
Up until recently I'd had been using the Byte Arts Midi Rocker LX to play my Roland TD-3 set in Rock Band, but had become frustrated with the device. On occasion it just wouldn't power up atall, and it lacked many of the standard ps3 buttons necessary for menu navigation. It was time to upgrade, and for me, that meant moving up to the official Rock Band 3 Midi Pro accessory.
I'm pleased to say that it works flawlessly. Of course I already had a midi cable in use, so it was a simple case of plug and play. Granted, I had to change around a few of the midi notes in my Roland settings, but they were well documented in the manual and took next to no time.
Pro drumming in Rock Band 3 has never been this much fun. If you have a real instrument and want to get into the game, you owe it to yourself to get this device. Highly recommended.
Well like everyone else that waited a while for this, I was excited to try out this adapter. I've been playing piano for over 15 years and have a Yamaha P95 digital piano at my apartment. I knew beforehand that the adapter DOES NOT come with a MIDI cable, so I ordered one through Amazon a few weeks prior for $5 shipped; the quality is good, and it wasn't a big deal to order one separately (be sure it's male to male).
I had no idea if the adapter would work with my P95, but I crossed my fingers, plugged it in, and loaded Rock Band 3. The buttons on the adapter worked instantly, and I quickly began a song without problems. I slid my fingers across the center of the piano and immediately saw the colored note lights flash across the screen. Perfect.
Pro mode is different if you're used to playing an instrument, but after about an hour I felt decently comfortable "reading" the notes on the screen. I don't play by ear and am usually more on the 'technical' side of things, where I read straight from sheet music. This really only uses one hand. It was, however, a lot of fun jamming out to the songs that supported Pro Keys, and I look forward to playing more over the next few nights.
As far as easy of use, connectivity, and the seemingly unlimited amount of possible products supported, this adapter wins the full 5 stars and is highly recommended for any music fan who want to connect their MIDI-supported musical instrument to Rock Band 3. - Madcatz - Adapters - Ps3 Controller - Midi'
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