This is a short informative book with lot's of testimonies about the benefits and uses of Coconut. If you want a synopsis on the broad specturm of coconut, this may be a good place to start. I'm thankful for Coconut!
The book "Virgin Coconut Oil" is a short one on only 91 sides but informitative for especially persons who wants to get the first information about coconut, and don't know if it's good or bat. In the book there are many letters, e-mails, from persons telling about how it solved problems when the startet consuming cocos, cocos water or cocos oil.
I bought this book after, in this year, first having bought and read "The Coconut Oil Miracle", and then "Coconut Water for health and healing", finding that cocos are the best thing to get and therefore wanted to read more about it.
And this year I came to these books about cocos after first having read nearly one hundred books abouth foot and body for being healthy, all bought by Amazon, as I live in Thailand and here we nearly don't have the same kind of books written in english (or danish). In all the previous bought books nearly nothing was written about coconut. But when I in one book read that fat from cocos was maybe not as bad as we was told in 1960s, and in many cases still are told, I bought the first book written by Dr. Bruce Fife. And then found that all from the cocos are the most helthy we can get. Our doctors says that it's best if my wife don't eat or drink anything coconut as she has to high a cholesterol. And that's totally wrong, which I allso can se in 10 books about cholesterol.
But again, for the health it's good to read this book, and the other, about cocosnut.
With regard Gert
Very interesting book, and eye opening to a easy approach for natural cures. It is the body that cures itself we just need the tools to help it. This is just one of many ways to help our bodies to heal itself.
MW - Natural Medicine'
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