If you are insecure about the body grooming process and are not comfortable about his subject "STOP READING THIS NOW". This was meant for informational purposes only.
Yes, the rumors are true...I am now the proud owner of the Norelco "Bodygroom". And let me just say this "A+ Norelco, well done". Now lets get into my formal review of the product.
Appearance: Very nice, comes with a charging stand...fits in your hand nicely...easy to hold on to at awkward angles. Trimmer guards are a nice clear bright blue color...easy to find in the messiest of drawers. They are easy to pop on, however they can be stubborn to get off.
Underarm Hair:
This area was the most time consuming...the product did its job, however I would use it in conjunction with something a little more beefy to knock it down first...this is probably a first time only concern as follow-up jobs will be much easier.
Chest and Ab Hair:
No problems, a very nice look obtained with the number 2 guard.
Lets just say the "Bodygroom" is Shaft, Beanbag, and Starfish safe. No nicks or any pain...no worries...that does not mean go in there like a maniac...take your time...the two trimmers on the front and back(allow for push or pull stroke) knock down the forest while the foil on top produced nice smooth skin...Like any shaving product redness and skin irritation are inevitable (24 hrs later), however I noticed that the skin irritation was only about one third that of standard Mach 3 shave. The skin irritation was limited to the inner thighs (Shaft, Beanbag, and Starfish showed no signs of irritation)....Here is a word of warning, if you are a hairy man in the posterior / back (buttocks cheeks) region, I would not suggest going bald there...although the bodygroom does yield very smooth results, re-growth maybe a little annoying.
All in All the boodygroom is a great product and offers a safe way to prep those sensitive areas. I can not at this time give you a female perspective on this product...I can only assume that it will yeild similar results...I will keep you informed of any new developments. Philips Norelco BG2020 Bodygroom Shaver
I want to start this review by saying, I love this item. I want to then say, I don't believe there is a product out there yet that doesn't hurt a little in certain places - even a regular manual razor can cause some discomfort in places. Also, I think this product, though it potentially trims everything should be used in combination with other items. I also use a G-290 and a straight edge razor.
That being said the Bodygroom did an EXCELLENT job anywhere I used it. Conventional trimmers/clippers cannot be used underarms or around groin areas because the teeth are too wide apart. It will actually pull the skin and can cut. The Bodygroom has much, much smaller teeth and while there are still places I wouldn't try it out, it handles other spots like underarms and PARTS of the groin area with no issues. For $40, it's entirely worth the money.
EDITED 5/22/06 - So many negative review on here talk about their facial hair. Let's see... the website, the owner's manual, the box itself... hmmm. EVERYTHING tells you this is for below the neck hence the name "BODYGROOM". It sucks to see negative reviews from people that are too ignorant to read before they use. Use this on your body, and use it properly and you'll be very happy with the results.
This product works exactly as it says it will. I was pretty skeptical, but it gives a close shave with minimal irritation. And no exposed blades to snag sensitve bits.
Being able to use it in or out of the shower is a real plus, though it seems to work better dry.
With the amount of hair I have, I guess it's no surprise that this thing won't last a life time. I dropped my first BG one too many times in the shower and it finally gave out.
Of course this product is so great at what it does, that it was a no brainer to replace it.
The only complaint I have about the BodyGroom is how delicate the foil guard is. It is very easy to get bent or dented, and when that happens, you can get some unexpected snagging from the cutting blades. The best way to prevent any damage to the foil (which incidentally, is not covered by the warranty), is to be very careful when removing and disassembling the unit to clean it.
Now in terms of performance--this thing can plow through a lot of hair, but works better if you keep up with your trimming regularly. If you are doing a particular hairy part, like your legs, clip them dry and be sure to tap out the hair that gets caught up in the shaver head regularly.
The guards are basically useless and will frustrate you if you are trying to do any type of styling (say, shaved down to the skin on your torso, but leaving a little longer happy trail). More times than not, I just ditch the guards and take it all o
The angle of the head makes it easy to reach all areas on my back. Yeah, I know, back hair. Hey, why do you think I bought this thing? - Manscaping - Grooming - Shaving - Trimmer'
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