My four year old daughter absolutely loves this camera. She does have to have a steady hand for pictures to come out clear but that is usually the case with any camera. It has taught her a little patience. LCD screen isnt clear but when pictures are downloaded to computer, quality and clarity is a lot better. I was actually shocked with how good the pictures looked. I had read some negative reviews about this type of camera so I was expecting a lot worse.
I bought it for her for Christmas'09 and I am so glad I did. I can see her using it for a couple of years and then upgrading her to a one that is a little more advanced. This one has wonderful features and it is giving her practice with digital camera technology. It has a zoom, flash, and she has the ability to go back and scroll through all of the pictures she has taken. She was able to figure it out in one day. She loves being able to place stamps and frames on the things she is taking pictures of. She can go back and add them too.
Don't buy this camera if you are expecting professional quality photos(even though quality actually isn't that bad), buy it if you would like your child to get the opportunity to explore, learn and use digital camera technogoly and have fun doing so. It has the basics needed to be able learn what is needed with out all of the other confusing settings and features that a child wouldn't understand anyway.
It also has some games but, we have not had the opportunity to explore those yet. I have a feeling she wouldn't be interested in them anyhow, not now anyway.
Excellent educational tool. ` Vtech Kidizoom Camera - Pink
I purchased two of these cameras (1 orange and 1 pink) for my 3-year old twin grandson/granddaughter and they love them. My grandson has dropped his, slung it into walls and doors and it doesn't seem to have phased it. They love taking pictures of everyone and everything wherever they go.
I helped my 5 year old daughter choose this camera to buy with money she'd received at Christmas. I was concerned that she'd be disappointed, because she uses our Canon Powershot a lot -- with a big bright screen, video, etc. I told her all the ways this camera would be different from the family camera, but she still decided she wanted it. And she LOVES the camera. She's been sleeping with it at night and is (almost) speechless with how much she enjoys it. Now, this infatuation will wear off soon enough, but measured against other toys and gifts, this camera is a major success. The pictures are fine - it's not going to replace our other camera, but it was almost a tenth the price. The games are a nice addition. It has a very sturdy feel to it. It's a fine product. My daughter and I recommend it.
BLUF - Bottom Line Up Front: The picture quality is poor and there is no slot for an SD card.
We bought this for our trip to Europe so our 4 1/2 yr old daughter could have her own little camera to shoot whatever she liked. It was easy for her to use, she liked the little cartoon images she could add to the photos, but complained that the pictures were blurry, no matter how still you held the camera.
Recommend you spend a little more money on a point and shoot with photo stabilizer.
I looked for a digital toy camera and this is the only one that I could find in a decent price range that I felt comfortable purchasing for a 5 and 7 year old grand-daughters. So far it's held up great and takes decent photo's. Kudo's to Vtech.
My almost 4 year old loves this camera, and it has so far withstood her abuse very well. It holds enough pictures that I don't have to worry about her following the cat and taking his picture for 15 minutes straight. She also loves the games on it, and we haven't had to change the batteries yet (she's only had it two weeks but she's used it alot!)
When someone asked my daughter what she wanted for Christmas she said "a camera - that's all I really want" I knew I would have to get a decent, rugged camera. I would prefer that she had something a bit creative like a camera, rather than some passive toy or video.
I read the reviews for this camera and I have been pleased with the end-product. I would be happy to recommend this camera to other people on the understanding that this camera has approximately cameraphone image quality and it requires AA batteries.
* Pre-school kids really can do decent shots with a little instruction
* Adults can almost always get a decent shot, similar to cameraphone
* Cameraphone type quality
* Rugged
* Memory storage seems adequate
* It could have fewer buttons - who cares about games
* The picture quality is like a camera phone - it is not really printing quality
* Lots of dud shots - not sure if this due to pre-school age, inexperience or camera. OTOH there are some shots that really work out
* It needsAA batteries. There is NO built-in rechargable battery
My just-3 year old loves this! The 2 games on it are easy enough for her to get and play. The camera features are easy for her to use also and becuase of the pictures used, I have shown her how to swtich between taking pictures and games. We are yet to do the frame and funny pictures add-ons but they do look like fun. The picture quality is just fine. I don't notice much being blurry - but I do agree with another review that once you download them, they look much better. Unless your child is a photographing professional, I highly recommend this one.
Very happy with the price and quality of this camera - very kid-tough.
I bought the pink version of this camera for my daughter's 6th birthday from Amazon because Target only had it in orange. My daughter loves pink and Amazon's price was slightly lower than Target's. The camera has been a big hit. My daughter has had it for about a month and she takes it everywhere. She takes pictures of her friends and relatives and they get a big kick out of her showing them the picture she has just taken. The picture quality is good considering the price. We haven't uploaded the pictures into the computer so we don't know how that works. I would recommend this product.'
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