Please note that this is a Class 2 card (Class 6 is the current "top of the line"). Class 2 transfers two mega-thingies per second rather than the six mega-thingies per second for Class 6 cards.
This transfer rate is fine for most devices, but takes 3 times as long to copy files back and forth from your computer.
Please also note that older card readers are not able to handle SDHC (HC stands for "High Capacity"). Some card readers are good for only 1 GB, some go up to 2 GB or 4 GB, but only the latest generations are capable of 8 GB.
Lastly, if you are using Windows XP, you may need to either add Service Pack 3 or add a patch before the high capacity card can be recognized by your system.
I recommend adding the patch rather than SP3. Some things haven't been working quite right since I installed the latest service pack from Microsoft - you may not wish to take that chance... SanDisk 8 GB Class 2 SDHC Flash Memory Card SDSDB-8192 (Bulk Packaging)
8GB is more than enough for my Canon PowerShot. I recently went to New York City for vacation and took more than 250 plus pics with the best pixel quality the camera could provide and still had more than enough memory left. Highly recommend this product. You don't need to carry any extra memory.
This card was purchased in 6/09 for use in a new Canon 780IS camera that IS sdhc compatible. At first it worked great and it was wonderful to have such a large amount of memory available for stills and video. then after about a month it got glitchy and I received intermittent memory card error messages that would resolve by removing and reinserting the card. After another 2 weeks it is useless, won't read, won't write not in the camera nor in my computer (where it worked fine before). It's not the camera because all the other SD/SDHC cards I've tried work fine. I know Sandisk has a 5 year warranty, but like a trusting person I did not keep the receipt so I guess that's that. Pity because i have never had problems with Sandisk products before.
BEWARE: This is what bulk packaging means for Sandisk: it has no warranty. Zilch. That's the answer I got from them. When I asked if the reseller was authorized to sell the product, they said they don't know, nor do they care, even though I provided an invoice from the seller.
I've bought CPUs, optical drives, hard disks in bulk packaging. All of them came with full warranty. This sounds like an outlet for cards that don't pass QA for Sandisk. I'm shocked that a name brand will do this.
This is the best value for the quality for a SD card of this size. I Highly recommend this to anyone that needs storage. I purchased this for my Nikon D40 Digital SLR camera, and it works beautifully. I have plenty of room to storage photographs.
What can I say? This product works perfectly in my Canon FS100 camcorder. No issues with corrupt data (knock on wood) and the write speed is adequate...no delays noticed during camcorder use. Sure, there are cheaper SDHC cards out there but I have used Sandisk in the past and have never had a problem with them. - 8gb - Sandisk - Sdhc - Sandisk 8gb Sd'
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