I originally bought this card as a cheapo backup for my much more expensive Sandisk Extreme 60MB/s CF card that I use in my 7D. However, I have not noticed a practical difference in speed between the two cards. I can count on both hands the number of times I've had to wait for the buffer to flush with either card and this is while shooting 25MB RAW files in 8FPS bursts. I just bought two more of the 8GB Ultras so I don't have to worry about running out of space when shooting on location. No need to spend extra on speed the 7D doesn't take advantage of. I highly recommend Sandisk in general and these cards in particular. SanDisk 8GB Compact Flash CF Ultra 30MB/s ( SDCFH-008G , Bulk Package )
I bought this card back in April for my Olympus camera and it has been messed up the entire time. I formatted it with my camera and proceed to take 800 photos with it and it instantly becomes unformatted when I plug it into my Macintosh. It's done this repeatedly (I know it's not my computer as I have an older Toshiba CF card that has never had an issue) and I've had to rely on photo recovery programs to try and get the pictures back; not the preferred route to go to say the least.
When it actually feels like working in the camera it functions beautifully, however. I think I just got unlucky with this card.
This review is for the Sandisk Ultra 8GB 30MB/sec card (SDCFH-008G), bulk package.
Superfast with the Canon 40D in picture taking and in downloading through the camera.
The 40D is probably too easy for this card. No complaint.
Works well with my canon 7D even if it's not UDMA. Like the manual says, I can shoot up to 96 jpegs or 15 raw images (up until the camera buffers fulls up). I can also take pictures while filming in full HD.
I have approximately oodles of these cards. I am a professional photographer and use only this card and size. I have purchased the ones in "bilk packaging" as well as those in standard packaging and they are reliable and consistent everytime. I do however label and date all of my cards as I purchase them and then pull them out of rotation after so many shots and re-formats.. (I reformat after every shoot)
I recommend these cards highly to anyone in need of the CF cards at a decent price!
No problems so far, great deal for the price. Use it with my Canon rebel which can't handle the faster cards, and honestly I have no problems with speed. I can take several pictures on continuous shoot before it needs to catch up.
I bought two of these. One of them works fine and the other caused issues with my Canon 5D. I took several pictures without any problems but then it locked my camera up when I tried to review some of the shots. I am also unable to move any of the images to my IMac using a card reader.
Both of the cards came in a plastic holder sealed with an adhesive backed label. This label was difficult to remove and left adhesive residue on the outside of the holder. This residue is probably not something that you want to get into a $3000 camera.
In the future I will stick with the retail packaging. I am not sure what "bulk pack" means but I now question whether the same quality standards are adhered to. Maybe these are refurbished in some way? If you do decide to save some money and buy these, test them thoroughly before using (always good advice but not always followed).
I am new to CF cards and maybe I was just unlucky, but if I were Sandisk I would be cautious about the use of my brand on items like this.
I use this card in my Canon 7D for extra video capture. It captures 1080p @ 30fps without a single problem. It just works perfectly. Make sure to format the card in your camera before you use it and only delete data from on the card while it is in your camera. I highly recommend this card.
Straight out of the package the card started giving me problems. I tried a test shot but had some weird issues when trying to use the card. When I finally was able to take a shot, I tried to read the card but windows froze until I removed the card from my card reader. After a couple of similar attempts I was able to format the card again. After this issues, my camera (Canon 7D) started giving me problems too. it wouldn't find the card, photos were lost and I had to fomat the card AGAIN. Card is obviously corrupt since now I can't do anything with it =/ Can't format it with windows or my camera. Couldn't even take 10 shots with it.
This is is the 8th or 9th Sandisk card I've bought in the past years and the first one to give me problems. I really wish SanDisk tested out their cards before shipping them out cause I bought this card for a special moment and had to use my supposedly, now a backup, old sandisk card =/ - 8gb - Compactflash Cards - Blueproton - Compact Flash'
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