I have been buying each version of this program for many years. This time, I really think that Microsoft simply did a text replace operation 2010 --> 2011 and shipped the thing out. The 2011 program seems to be bug-for-bug identical to the 2010 iteration.
Were any maps updated for 2011? Maybe. I don't have the resources to check this. Here is one data point. Over a year ago, a new freeway entrance was added near my home. A few months ago, the maps on my TomTom GPS were updated to include this. Finally. But Microsoft Streets & Trips 2011 does not include the new freeway entrance.
Microsoft has a web page dedicated to its Streets & Trips product line. There is no mention of new features there. For a marketing-driven company like Microsoft, this is remarkable.
At this point, I could copy and paste my review for Microsoft Streets 2010 right here. Nothing has changed! The maps are still very good, although perhaps becoming old. The user interface is great, except for Microsoft's treatment of "bookmarks." Searching, editing, and organizing saved locations is primitive and inconvenient.
As in previous versions, maps will not print out at 1200 DPI (dots per inch). I can print them at 600 DPI though. I have tested this on three different printers.
I use this program from Windows 7 and it installed cleanly. However, I cannot launch it in the normal fashion. Windows complains that the program was not installed properly. The solution to this problem is to always launch the program with administrative privilege. This is slightly inconvenient.
If anyone finds a difference between this program and the 2010 version, please post your findings. Microsoft Streets & Trips 2011
I got this upgrade because my old version was 2005 and I need more recent maps. It works about the same as previous versions with little additional capability. It has a different skin than my old version but that is no big deal. Unfortunately, the maps are out of date for having just been released. A new road where I live that has been there a year is not on the map. I had no problem installing it or running it on my Windows 7 computers.
I recently replaced my laptop with a new HP with i7/6 GB/1 TB disk drive and Win 7. My old S&T 2009 won't work, so I ordered S&T 2011 figuring that the new version ought to work with Windows 7.
It doesn't. I tried all of the suggestions that people have posted in various forums to work around problems. All yield the same result - software says that it has installed and goes thru the registration steps. It then freezes when I try to start it. Trying to run it in compatibility mode gives the same result.
My advice - don't buy this program.
Long ago I started with Streets & Trips 98 and have bought every upgrade since, now owning two separate retail copes of MS S&T 2011. Once installed you are not all set. After a period of time suddenly, one day you launch the program and you have a licensing issue or registry error requiring reinstall. Reinstalling, cleaning registry before and after is to no avail. MS has a work around in their KB articles but after years of publishing this software I have had enough of fixing their stuff and having a clumsy work around.
Imagine being in a new city and you open your laptop and suddenly the prepared maps you made for your work trip are not available. Having no software is better than bad software.
I have had this problem on both Vista Desktop & laptops. I highly recommend anything else but Streets & Trips 2011. I am going to back to Delorme and try their 2011 Street Atlas and see if it is easier to use than their prior versions. At least it'll load up and run I 'll bet.
I looked forward to Streets and Trips 2011. Boy, was I disappointed. As mentioned in another review, if you have an existing map with push pins, Streets and Trips will simply discard most or all of them - without even a warning. There appear to be few if any new features. And for some reason, I am unable to check for updates rendering the product worthless. I will never upgrade Streets and Trips again. I will stick with Delorme's products from now on.
I, as many others, update every 2 years. I currently own the 2009 version and was anxiously awaiting for the 2011 S&T. Although I did NOT purchase the 2011 version, I did download the free trial version from the Microsoft website. However, the new highway in town is not on the map (only 6 months old, but it is on my iPhone map) and a section of highway in PA I was on 2 years ago (not on my 2009 S&T) is still not on the 2011 version. Microsoft, are you listening? Many people prefer S&T over their TomTom or Garmin. I know I do, especially for long trips. I really don't care if there are new bells and whistles in the software every year, but I do want up to date maps. I know you state that you purchase the maps from a 3rd party vendor. Mayby it's time to either change map vendor or tell them if they don't provide a current update, don't expect a contract next year. I rated it three stars because the software itself is great. The rerouting and "avoid this area" features alone make S&T preferable over the TomTom. So, if you're new to S&T, it is well worth it (4 or 5 stars). However, if you already have a 2009 or 2010 version and are just upgrading, don't bother (0 or 1 star).
We mostly use this program for daily service call routing for our business. We normally double check the printed routes before giving them to crews because this program, while usually excellent, has a way of really missing badly and/or issuing confusing directions from time to time. Sometimes it is handy to print a detail of a tricky area in addition to the printed drive instructions. All that said, this is a useable program--definitely in the "pretty good is good enough" tradition of the developer--for the cost.
We skip every other year and the 2011 version has updated maps and few fixes compared to the 2009 version. If you use the push pins feature, then be aware that the data sets may not transfer to upgrades reliably. In fact this entire feature set feels haphazard and unpolished. I have tried a past version of this program that came with a GPS receiver. While it worked in the broad sense of the word, imagine having a glance at a PC on the seat next to you as you drive--extremely dangerous even though the voice instructions are usually intelligible. This is definitely not a substitute for a real GPS navigation unit but is best thought of as a route planning tool.'
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