I have tried several different progesterone creams and this is my favorite. I love the feel of the cream and especially the rosemary scent. I've tried more expensive and well-known brands and have not had the success I have had with this one. One of the more expensive brands made me break out in a rash. So I'm not buying this because it is cheaper; it's just better! I sleep better and feel calmer.Source Naturals Progesterone Cream, 4 Ounce
This is the best Progesterone cream for the price. I've tried others that were more expensive, and didn't do much for any of my symptoms.
When I had my baby my Progesterone levels dropped very low so I needed something that would help with my moods,hot flashes, and is natural with less side effects.
This cream was the one that did all of that for me, thanks to Source Naturals I feel like my self again.
I was feeling old, let's just face it at 61 I had suddenly developed a general drying up feel. I remembered having read up on progesterone cream about 10 years ago. I actually gave it a try; but the mess of using it did me in within a couple of months and I stopped its use. Just six weeks ago I went to the local health food store and chose this brand because it was about half the price of the others. The saleslady assured me it was a good brand. I used it twice a day (no messy feel as I had remembered) and it felt as if I actually had my reproductive system come alive, somehow it felt as if I could feel my system actually becoming 20 again. Actual physical premenstrual little twinges began to occur. I stopped using the cream twice a day after the second week and instead used it only once a day. I reached the end of the first three week time period and stopped for the recommended week. I started again after seven days and BAM almost overnight somewhere between the first and second week of the second period I was renewed! It felt as if 25 years had dropped away. It looked as if the former vital me was in place again. Even my hair changed which I cannot figure out. People who had known me thought I had had my hair redone somehow, it was that obvious. The store ran out today as I was replacing the tube. I decided to get the brand that was available; but I am now seeing that the price is about half through Amazon for what I really want and received great benefits from. Why would I not purchase it and continue to use it? It is that miracle that every now and then we get lucky enough to have. Try it!
I have been using this cream for about a month, I noticed it working after about 2 weeks. The hot flashes are less intense and less often, I was having them every hour, now maybe 5 a day. My moods are better, my sex drive is back. Love the smell of this cream. I will continue using this product.
I thought I had the flu. Then I realized after 2 weeks of night sweats, hot hot hot flashes, nausea and irritability, that it was peri-menopause or menopause hitting me worse than ever before. I'm fifty-ish. So, I went online to do lots of research and decided that among other things, progesterone creme might be the answer to part of the midlife imbalance. Can't afford and don't want to take bio-identical or prescription replacement hormones, and can't afford the liver damage they lead to in some people...the Source Naturals had a lot of write-ups and good reviews, and with their price on Amazon being excellent, I ordered 3 tubes.
Long story short, the source naturals started improving my energy level and mood almost immediately and, no more trouble with the hot flashes and insomnia! Amazing! I also bought black cohosh, red clover, ladywort and licorice herbs from a community health market and began drinking green tea brewed with these herbs daily. Immediate improvement. oh, and a teaspoon or less of kelp powder a day in warm water...I've done the creme for twenty days now and now do not use it for seven days before starting the routine daily use of 1/4 to 1/2 tsp. of Source Naturals again. I plan to keep it up because I can't stand feeling badly!
I've used it a full 2 days and noticed a marked improvement in my hair. Not going through menopause but have found out I have a low progesterone. One side effect is hair loss. This AM I brushed my hair and there was almost no hair in my brush! I am VERY happy.
I had 2 periods a month for over 2 years, and all the Dr's I went told me I needed to gain weight and go on the pill. I'm 25 and I've been the same weight since high school without dieting and I don't trust the pill's long term effects. So, I was stuck. Then I read that most irregular flows are caused by an imbalance of progesterone, not estrogen, like the Dr's were telling me. My mom was using this product for her menopause and said it was working great and she sent me a tube in the mail. I've been using this cream for about 6 months now, and I have a regular flow with no side effects (unlike the pill). It took several months for my body to adjust out of the 2 week cycle, but now I don't have any problems. Not everyone with an irregular flow may have the same result I did, but it's inexpensive and worth a try! - Perimenopause - Progesterone Cream - Progesterone - Pms condition'
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