When I purchased this Battery for Amazon Kindle 1, eBook Reader, A00100 Li-Ion as a back-up to my aging Kindle 1 battery, it seemed right. After all, it was sold by Amazon (or an assoicated vendor) and what could go wrong with a simple battery? I installed it, charged it FULLY, read a few pages and all seemed well. I went back a couple of weeks later and discovered the battery was nearly discharged. And, yes, both the Kindle switches were in the "OFF" position. I double-checked to make sure that the (awkward) plug insert was fully seated, recharged it, and when it was full, waited a week. It was down about half, with no use.
I decided to return it and reinsert my original battery. Trying to remove the battery "plug" was an ordeal. I ued very gentle pliars and tweezers (after my fingers could not dislodge it), but it was really tightly seated. I finally managed to wiggle it out and noticed one of the black wires was broken. Not sure if this has anything to do with its inability to hold a charge or whether it happened as I was trying to dislodge it, but I doubt I broke it.
In any case, Amazon offered me a full refund.
Suggestions: 1. Spend more and get Amazon Kindle Replacement Battery (for 1st Generation Kindle) which was not available when I orginally ordered the other. 2. Go to Batteries-Plus locally, as I did, and for the same price as the Amazon battery get a Ray-o-Vac brand. I installed and charged it two weeks ago, have read two long books (and downloaded another) and the battery still shows more than 3/4 charge. Replacement Battery for Amazon Kindle 1
Be aware that this battery is smaller than the original battery, so it does not fit snuggly in the compartment.
I have had this battery for a week and the charge is still holding well. I have turned the wireless on 3 times to update blogs, mags, etc. Even from the beginning with my original battery, if I turned on the wireless, as it connected I would lose one half my battery strength. With this battery, the battery strength holds well I turn the wireless on.
Skeptical. I admit it. I was hesitant to order an after-market battery for my dead Kindle battery (which died btw, because i let it die completely. never, never do that. I won't for sure), but i was wrong. I've had it a couple of months now and be scrupulous about recharging and it seems to be doing fine...better than fine, great!! Would recommend it to my best friend.
I had to replace the original battery I got with my Kindle. After reading some reviews on this LI-Ion battery I ordered it. I received the battery after a couple of days and started using it. Very happy to say that I had the opportunity to read for 10 hrs continuously at which time the battery was still more then half full. I'm very happy with this product. Thank you ;-)
First off, I had no problem installing this slightly smaller than the Amazon brand battery.
When I first installed it, end of March 2010, it did great. It charged fast and held a charge. However, here it is only June 17, 2010 and I am awaiting a new battery because this one needs to be charged everyday and it takes roughly 4 hours to fully recharge (only takes 2 hours to drop power by 1/4). It lasted less than 3 months!
Basically, I'd say its not better or worse than the replacement battery that Amazon offers. I guess it is cheaper but it still sucks. :)
Hurry up with the K3 Amazon...we're waiting!
UPDATE: On June 17th, the same day I wrote the initial review, I also contacted the maker of this battery via email to ask about their 1-year warranty - I never got anything with the battery on what to do if you needed to use the warranty. Just thought I would let people know that I still have not heard anything from the company, Dekcell. If I ever do hear back from them, which I seriously doubt at this point, I'll do another update. It's looking like the 1-year warranty, much like the battery, is nothing to count on.
I purchased this replacement because I noticed the time my kindle could go between charges had markedly declined.
I have noticed a big difference with this new one. It saved me $100 over buying a brand-new kindle.
I bought this to replace the completely worthless battery that came with my kindle. The original battery lasted only a couple months before dying and not holding a charge. I finnaly got around to ordering a replacement and decided to go with this generic brand instead of the official replacement.
It is true that this battery is not the exaxt same size, so there is a little extra room in the battery compartment. So what though? It's not like it rattles. Better too small than to big.
Installing it was easy enough, no problems there.
It charged up just fine, an so far is holding up well. I will update if this battery also dies after just a couple months.
The biggest negative I have with this battery is no where on its label is the date of manufacture. That's a biggie with Lithium Ion batteries, they only last on average 2 years before they start to loose their ability to hold a charge. That two years starts when the battery is manufactured, not when it is first used. With no date on the battery I have no idea if this particular one has been sitting in a warehouse for a year or more so I have no idea how long I can expect this battery to last before I need yet another replacement.
I give this battery 3 out of 5 stars which means average. There are probably better batteries out there, and there are certainly worse out there.
EDIT (December 2010):
Battery is already dead and fails to hold a charge for even a single day, without being used. Terrible lifetime. I'm going to try and claim the 1-year warranty ... but I'm doubtful to be honest. They'll probably charge return shipping, and that combined with shipping it to them in the first place will cost as much as this did. That's if they even respond to my e-mail. They don't list any contact information on their website. - Accessories - Kindle - Spare Battery - Battery'
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