Undecorate. Provocative title. Does it mean to go minimal and spartan and dispose of all the the trappings of interior design and decorating?
On the contrary, it means infusing your home with personality, color dense and/or neutral, and mixing it up with high and low things of every age, vintage, antique, and contemporary.
The book is filled with real people who just happen to have a super real grasp for decorating. Even though the book plays down the professional decorator or designer, all of the homes have owners who are in a creative profession, sometimes as design professionals, decorators, stylists, artists of every type, and writers. But rather than eschew typical rules and regulations of creating home decor, these folks embrace the unique and beautiful.
The title includes: "The No Rules Approach To Interior Design", that kind of implies that doing what each home owner did was just throw it together without thought to what good design means. This is so not true! No rules does not mean no talent, or no educated eye editing and arranging these spaces. Each home is meticulous in it's details, even though the process unfolded in a natural, no rules, organic manner. It would be great to have anyone of these creative home owners come over and help do up your home.
Common threads unite all of these spaces. You will see collections, color, antlers, art work, books, typography as art, pattern, hide rugs, mid century modern, modern and vintage textiles, French antiques, and naturally and artfully edited spaces that look lived in and inviting. And there's a sense of fun and whimsy and wit in these rooms too.
All of this makes the book user friendly. The reader feels that this kind of undecorating is within their reach.
Add to that Christiane Lemieaux's (with Rumaan Alam) heartfelt, honest, and expert writing and you have a book to look at and to read. The photographs by Melanie Acevedo capture a true clear light that makes each page luscious.
With chapter titles like: "The Imperfectionists", "The Career Opportunists", "Decorators Without Borders", (and more), it makes you wonder how your own decor might be defined and described.
If you loved the defunct and much loved Domino, and are a fan of Lonny, love to read decor and design blogs, you will love this book. Undecorate elevates and takes their editorial viewpoint a few steps further.
If you'd like a breath of fresh air, and a finger on the pulse of how people decorate now, and will continue to do so for many years to come, get this book. Gone are the days of theme decorating like "Tuscan", "French Country", and even "Eclectic". Here is the new mix based on real life and the enjoyment that comes from living it in your home, and sharing it with all who live there and enter your door.
The book is not ageist either. Christiane includes photos of the home owners, and both younger and older alike have that certain style sizzle and pizazz.
Christiane and company traveled the country seeking out these homes, many of them found via decor and design blogs, truly the paradigm for anyone interested in decorating and design. She got to know the people whose homes she writes about, and the book is so genuine, more so than most decor books churned out.
In short, now that I have gone on so long: Buy this book. Undecorate: The No-Rules Approach to Interior Design
this book makes you feel good about your less than perfect home. It is about real homes where real people live and enjoy what makes them happy.No rules just a commonsense approach life is messy and not often picture perfect.
I'm always on the look out for inspiring interior design books and when I came across "Undecorate" I was in awe. What a fabulous collection of interiors! Not only were the photographs wonderful, this was an interesting read with such clever explanations on these brilliant interiors. I want to be a part of the "undecorate" world!
Gorgeous photographs of beautiful, unpretentious, creative homes and lovely stories about the people that live in them. A great book for anyone who adores creating (and looking at) charming homes with a heaps of style and personality and very few designer labels or hospital corners. I can't wait to purchase this book.
I sat and read this entire book in one sitting. Yes, actually read it. Which is unusual for me and a decorating book. Most times....I just browse the photos and there isn't any good descriptive copy included. Such is not the case with this book. This book shows many homes decorated by the owners. And the accompanying stories tell how these owners came to the decisions they made in their decor. Yes, this book is not about hiring a decorator but instead living with the things you love. Letting your space evolve over time. Making a statement with a collection. Yes, all rules broken in this book of decor. It encourages all to think out of the box. To create spaces as individual as the occupants themselves. Gorgeous photography. This book will be one I will go back to over and over again to see certain images and remind myself of how great it looks to mix things up and follow your own drummer.
An inspiring and impressive documentation of a rising movement in interior design...and in the design industry in general. This book delves into the pulse of what's happening in the modern day design-minded home, as opposed to documenting a decorator's work.
The images in the book feel very real but are aspirational at the same time with (as the book says) rule breaking decorating. The book is packed with examples of how living with what you love can enrich your life and interiors - such as leaving a daughters birthday decorations up as decor, wallpapering one's ceiling, and living with a Jaguar collection...
The homeowners themselves in this book are inspiring - and a candid peak into their lives and homes makes for so much more than a coffee table design book. - Design - Decoration - Interior Design - Decorating'
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