Games Played - Tetris 2, 1943, Punch Out, and more!
Man, have I been waiting for a product like this for years! Aside from the small wait of transit for the product, it's actually quite worth it.
First Impressions:
-Nicely packaged, sealed on the corners
-USB port is wrapped and taped to prevent transit damage
-cable is nice and long, I think a little over 6 ft
-You can tell the item is new when you try it, the buttons click like a normal NES would, some excessive use will break it in just fine
Mapping was quite easy with all online emulators, I was up and running within 1 minute.
Start and select buttons have a nice rubbery feel to it
If you want to play old school games on your PC, this is the controller to do it with! Classic USB NES Controller for PC
I ordered two of these controllers from Game Closeout for my NES emu. I'm using Nestopia, for those who are curious. I ordered at night, the product shipped the next day, and I had the controllers delivered to my house the following day. The packaging was nice and crisp, the design made to look like Nintendo packaging, complete with 8-bit graphics and fonts. Although the controller is USB Plug'n'Play, the first thing I did was configure the controllers in NEStopia. The controller felt a bit lighter than I remembered, but seemed about the right size. I didn't experience any of the problems with the D-pad others seem to have had; not sure if that had anything to do with the fact that I pre-configured, but the D-pad didn't feel as if it needed to be broken in. I tested the controllers on Super Mario Bros. 3 and Donkey Kong Classics, the latter of which is notorious for having Mario getting stuck at the top of the ladder if you don't move up all the way. I had no problems and everything seemed to work flawlessly. The B & A buttons seem to stick a bit, making a noticeable clicking sound, but this didn't impede gameplay, and I'm certain this will go away after some "breaking in". The only issue I had was the giant "Made in China" sticker in the back, which seemed out of place on a Nintendo controller, but since that can be easily removed, it's not that big of a deal. Definitely a worthy buy for all you emu-geeks...
I was a bit skeptical when I first received this controller; the label on the front of it wasn't stuck on firmly, and the directional control ("left-right-up-down") didn't seem 100% accurate. The label of course, was a simple matter of sticking it on firmly. The directional control works great now, after a quick break-in period.
Let me say first that anyone that says this is just like the NES controllers of old probably never owned or used one for any length of time. The feel is not very much at all like the original; I say that so definitively because I do still, to this day, use my original NES purchased in 1987. The controller is demonstrably lighter than the original (no doubt because the circuitry needed has shrunk so much since the original) and the buttons are obviously cheaply made. More to the point the mechanical switches are much stiffer and clunkier than the original controller and are poorly balanced, so roll-off during gameplay can sometimes be a problem. One particular plus for this controller is that, despite no advertised support, it does work properly for Apple OS X on at least the most common emulators so, if you're looking for an NES-style joystick for your Mac then look no further.
The problems notwithstanding, the controller is probably the best you're going to do barring finding an unused NES controller and having a degree in electrical engineering.
The product looks and feels quite good, very much like the authentic one. When I first plugged it in everything went well, until I tried playing a game with it. Every time I pressed the A, B, Start or Select buttons, the device would fail. I opened it up and it turned out to be faulty connections. There were scratches across the board where solder had clearly gone across contacts and had to be removed, and one of the parts wasn't actually connected to the board. Once the solder was all cleaned up and everything connected it worked fine, and handles well just like a real NES controller. But having to do repairs straight out of the box means it gets a low rating.
Just got it in the mail today, Plugged it in, Mapped the controls and flash backs from my childhood began.
Description doesnt mention it, but its running perfect with my Windows 7 home premium 64 bit system.
No complaints yet, If something goes wrong ill come back and write another review, but as of right now I love it.
Nes usb controller cost roughly $18 (with shipping, seller four nine boy). Unlike the more popular more expensive controllers that you can find elsewhere on amazon (did not order any others going by reviews) The D-pad works perfectly and the start/select buttons are rubber rather than plastic (but not rounded on the top like an original controller). No drivers to install, just plug and play. I mapped the controls for my NES roms using Glovepie and I have perfect response with all of the buttons and no problems whatsoever. There is no nintendo logo like the original however this is understandable because of copyrights. Good build quality. Overall great controller. - Retro - Usb - Controller - Nintendo'
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