The Chia puppy is fun, it is easy to do too, I had a chia Bart before, and it almost stopped me from getting this one, Chia puppy only has to soak for an hour, and the same with the seeds, the other chias have to soak 24 hours before you can put seeds on them, also, the shape of the puppy is a much better shape to hold the seeds, they pretty much stay where you put them, Unless you are a very VERY patient person, I would deffinetly suggest Chia Puppy, or one similar like the Kitten, or Bunny, they are a lot more fun than those hateful heads that the seeds run off of non-stop Chia Pet Handmade Decorative Planter, Puppy, 1 Kit
Ordered this for the kiddos as kind of a science experiment. They wanted to know how seeds turned into plants. I had never had a chia pet and I was skeptical as to whether it was worth the money. It was a fun family project and there are enough seeds to do grow out the "fur" on the puppy two more time.
Bought this for my dad who apparently loves chia pets. He put it in front of a window in his office. He then proceeded to send me weekly photo updates and to my surprise it grew very nicely! If my dad can grow a chia, anyone can!
There is nothing like the anticipation of waiting for the chia seeds to sprout. Once they do all you want to do is check on the growth every hour, and turn the sprouts into the sun, ensuring equitable growth. For two weeks you have the pleasure of creation as your chia pet grows on sunlight and water. Yet the end comes, and you have to sneak off in the night to scrape the overgrown little plants into the garbage and hope no one asks about the little pet the next day. This is a sad day, but will only open itself into another chance for the cycle to begin again, and you anticipate the sprouting of your chia seeds.
Well, besides the fact that a puppy didn't come in the mail (it was another chia) my little brother LOVED it. I gave it to him for Christmas and he brought it to his first year in college. Pretty cool-I know.'
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