This gun is very very powerful, I shot a pop can and it shot a hole through each end. the gun is also very accurate, with 20gm. bbs you have the most accuracy, but with 12gm. it shoots farther. It is very light, which is very useful in a airsoft war. I definetly reccomend this gun to anyone! Double Eagle M85P Electric Airsoft Gun Rifle AEG
So I got my M85 from a friend for free because it had "broken" and he had a better gun. It broke because the first time he played with it he leaned on it with the silencer to the ground and it snapped the end off. I superglued it and put some apoxy on it and it was good as new. The silencer does not do anything at all it is just purely for looks. Red dot site is very good, grip is very good and you can 1 hand it by the folding butt. Not too, too accurate but still pretty good but you have to use .20 BB's instead of the lighter ones because it's more accurate. 200-250 FPS is a pretty good and accurate power description. Over all pretty good gun especially for beginners but just treat it nicely. PEACE. - M85 - Electric - Double Eagle - Airsoft Gun'
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