DISCLAIMER: This review is limited to the redesigned Xbox 360 that came out in June of 2010.
First of all, the Xbox 360 is a truly great console with an excellent game library and revolutionary online play. With that said, I know many have experienced problems with overheating, causing a number of issues. I know Microsoft has claimed it is "whisper quiet" and that it runs significantly cooler than previous versions. That is true, to an extent. But what Microsoft has failed to convey to the general public is that the Xbox is basically a highly modified computer that generates significant heat and needs proper ventilation to function like they claim. So here are some general tips for unsuspecting consumers.
1. Install the game to the harddrive: Under My Xbox you will see "Play [Title of Game]". Hit the yellow Y button to install game. It will give you the option of install game or play game. Choose to install. This shouldn't take very long, each game is 5-7 GB each. You will notice your system drop a few volume levels after doing this. Trust me!
2. Proper ventilation: This takes some common sense. Make clear and ample room for your heat vents. Most of the heat dissipates from the top vent (if you console is laying horizontal) and right side.
3. Keep your Xbox horizontal. Yes, the Amazon picture currently shows an upright, vertical Xbox. It looks cool, I know. The first thing I did with mine was place it vertical on a hardwood floor and played for maybe an hour. Bad idea. The area of the floor where my console once stood was unbelievably hot.
Keep in mind that you need to have the 250GB version in order to install games. The 4 GB just doesn't give enough space. Installing your games and maintaining proper ventilation are key to keeping your Xbox 360 as cool as possible. Not to mention the quicker load times and super quiet operation when actually playing. Hopefully following these simple tips will prolong the life of your console. May you and your Xbox 360 have a long, happy relationship! Xbox 360 250GB Holiday Bundle
I would like to begin by saying that I have had an Xbox 360 since 2007. I had one of the "Falcon" chipset models, and even that console was loud, crude, and frustrating. I dealt with the mishaps however, as the games and content you get from Xbox is top notch. After 3 years of playing the console (a month after my 3 warranty ended) my Xbox died on December 8th, 2010 due to an E74 error. Microsoft would have charged me over $100 if I sent the thing in, so I figured it was not worth it. I did not know whether to give it a funeral or smash it to bits, since the previous cheaper models are hard to come by. I had no choice but to purchase the new console since I spent so much time and effort in my games in the first place. I just got it today and I can tell you it is a vast improvement from the older models. VAST.
Noise and Reliability:
This is one of the reasons people tend to shy away from the Xbox 360, along with the Red Ring of Death and E74 errors.(DARN YOU E74!!!). The console is DEAD silent. You do not hear a peep from the thing until you start playing a game. That's the thing, it's not silent when you play a game, but it's definitely not deafening. It's certainly a great improvement over the older ones, and what you do hear is a silent buzz. The POWER and EJECT button make a beeping sound when pressed, like the (FAT) PS3's do. It's kinda cool. Other than this, I do recommend that you install your games, because if you do, it will be dead silent all the time. As for reliability, I cannot comment much about it, but from what I understand, you cannot get the Red Ring of Death anymore. The console gives you a warning message, then proceeds to shut itself down, to prevent internal damage. You let it cool down and it will be back to normal.
The 360 case is shiny, and very much a finger print magnet. The controller has changed a bit too. It looks like it has a matte feel, but feels like shiny plastic and the bottom is shiny black. The "X" guide button used to be a metal finish, now it is chrome. The POWER and EJECT button are touch sensitive, where you can just tap the area and the button is pressed. Makes a beeping sound when pressed too. The console has 5 USB ports, two in the front and 3 in the back. It has an HDMI port, a separate optical audio port (YAY, the old one forced you to use the Component cable outs). It also has the standard Ethernet port. This console does have a wireless N adapter, which is pretty awesome. I didn't use it, since I already had the space built for the Ethernet cable, but it's there if connections are an issue. The console itself, is smaller, and there are vents everywhere! The memory ports have been taken off, as they are basically dinosaur material. A couple of points that you have to know:
1. The console no longer comes with HD cables out of the box, only standard A/V cables. This is a disappointment, but Amazon had their branded HDMI cables which are awesome.
2. The hard drive is not the same as the previous ones, which means that you cannot simply "plug in" your old drive to the new ones. This is a hassle, but you can get the transfer cable and transfer content to the new Xbox 360. Works well, but installed games do not transfer, so you have to install them again. A pain, but still works. A Long with the transfer, you have to transfer licenses if you have bought anything from Xbox Live which is very easy. If you would like to know how to transfer Hard Drive data or Licenses to your new console, ask me in the comments and I'll give you a short tutorial.
This is a great product. Aside from a few gripes, this is vast improvement from the originals. If you don;t have an Xbox 360, I highly recommend this item. If your old Xbox 360 broke, I also highly recommend it. BUT, if your old Xbox 360 still works, you would be a fool to spend $299.99 on this. It is the same exact console and should only be bought if, or I should say WHEN your old Xbox craps out on you. This review was mainly for people who do not know much about the 360, or have had their old 360 die on them. If you have any questions, I will be glad to answer them in the comments. - Xbox - Alan Wake - Forza - Consoles'
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