This a a good product. No it is not real leather, but who cares? It only cost $2. It fit my G1 perfectly and I have no complaints at all. Get it if you need a case to protect your phone. And no, it does not look cheap ;-) Horizontal Leather Case with Belt Clip for Google G1 Android Smartphone
Others have stated this is too tight and has damaged their screen hinges, and I found it was extremely snug when I first received it. This is easily resolved by placing an index finger inside at either end when held horizontally and pulling the two ends in opposite directions with slight, even pressure. The case stretched ever so slightly creating a still snug fit but much easier to slide the G1 in and out of the case.
This case is just great. Perfect fit. Tight around, with a little room in the length. Any shorter, it would have been hard to take the phone out. Closes securely with the magnet system.
Some claim it's not leather. Probably not, but close enough. The price is just ridiculous (less than $3)! A friend paid $35 for an iPhone plastic shield...
I hear the magnet is not good for the compass, but I've been using it for 10 days and the compass works just fine.
So in case I damage the case, for the price, when a co-worker told me he was going to buy one (after he checked mine carefully), I asked him to get me two more!
The case is WAY too small, you basically have to shove the G1 inside of it and use a lot more force then usual to get it out. Perfect Fit means bulging at the seams tight. DO NOT GET THIS CASE FOR THE G1.
I purchased a Luxmo Leather Case for my wife's and my T-Mobile G1 phone I put the phone in the Luxmo Leather case and my wife tried pulled the phone out of the case she could not push her screen all the way up to get to her keypad so she put the screen back down and tried again, finally it went up then when she put her screen down her screen would not flip the correct way it stayed sideways like her phone was still open we couldn't figure out what happened so we called T-Mobile because we have Insurance on both the phones I paid $110.00 deductible and they were going to send a new phone I hadn't put my phone in the case yet so the next day I did the same as she did put my phone in the leather Luxmo case and my phone did the same thing the screen would not flip the way it was supposed to do, I had to pay another $110.00 deductible to get my phone replaced. The Magnet in the case does not have a metal plate to protect the phone from it so it demagnitises the actuater part of the phone so the screen stops fliping the way it is suppossed to do. PLEASE DO NOT PURCHASE THIS CASE IT WILL DESTROY YOUR PHONE!!
I have not bought this product, but three of my friends with G1's all did and are now regretting it, it ruined both the GPS with the magnet AND the tracking ball because of the tight fit! It's not worth saving a few bucks when you've ruined an expensive phone! My suggestion, get the same type of case with snaps instead of magnet closure, better quality and made especially for the G1 straight from the T-Mobile store: costs $24.99 but well worth paying more if it doesn't ruin your phone.
Listen folks, its disburbing to me how so many people out there are buying cellphone cases with magnetic closures and then wondering why their phones "die" after 1 year (ironically the same amount of time a manufactuers warrenty runs out) - its because of the magnetic closures on the cases! Those magnets are ruining your phones - if youve got a pda or enhanced phone (like a G1) you'd be a fool to get a case that closes with a magnet. Don't believe me?? Get a magnet from your fridge and run it past your monitor - the results are a disorted monitor in the area you placed that magnet - now think of your cell phone in constant contact with a magnet in a carrying case designed to "protect" it. Anyone with a touch screen or enhanced device knows this will result in damaging your phone!! Demand the use of velcro on cases - the cell companies are making profits from your ignorance. It wasnt so long ago when velcro was the choice of closure on cases that our phones lasted 2 years or more with proper care. This can be had again - in these times of stretching every dollar this should be the standard- no more magnetic closures - no stupid "sock" cases - demand real quality and protection - quit wasting 200.00 - 300.00 a year on a new phone because of magnetic closures ruining your devices. I mean really - when was the last time you saw a magnetic camera case?? The people who make the phones and cases arent stupid - theyre just hoping you will be.
I specifically purchased this Horizontal Leather Case with Belt Clip for Google G1 Android Smartphone because it not only has a belt clip, but it also has belt LOOPS on the back.
In that regard, it was exactly what I wanted. Its light, easy to use, keeps the phone secure with the magnetic flap, but instantly handy. And the belt loops keep me from knocking it off my belt accidentally. Unfortunately, the loops are 'tearing' slightly from the back of the case. Now, I've had it and worn it daily since March or April, so that's 4-6 months of heavy use. So for the price, I still believe it was a good buy.
In fact, anticipating that eventually it will have to be replaced, I bought three more. VERY good deal for a good case for an Andriod G1 Smartphone. - Android Case - G1 Accessory - G1 Cases - Tmobile G1 Case'
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