This is a great product!
The first week taking this product made me very hopeful. Before I took this, nothing worked for me. I eat 35+ grams of fiber a day and it did not do the trick. Now, I have no worries.
If you take it regularly, you will love this product. FYI: during the second and third week, you may think that the effectiveness is not there anymore-- just give it another week...
I use this product whenever I feel irregular or bloated. The first time you use it, give it a week, then you'll notice smoother stools.
Before I travel or if I get sick, I sometimes take 2 pills. This helps to keep bad bacteria out.
Easy pill to pop
Made my bowel movements easier
Taking it the first time, took at least a week to see results
I have food-related IBS and I've tried just about every probiotic on the market. I was even willing to shell out a bunch of money for Align, but it didn't work for me for very long.
Colon Health worked right away and after a few weeks, so far so good. No bad side effects. I'm so glad I decided to try it.
I purchased this at Walmart. It worked overnight! It says to take 1 capsule so I did and a few hours later I felt my stomach moving. So I took some more. There is nothing wrong with extra "good" bacteria. The next morning my stomach felt great and it was working properly. All of my digestive problems have worked them self out. Highly recommend this. I did not purchase this with amazon but I felt I should complement Phillips for such a great product and spread the word on this amazing probiotic!
I have been using this product for about 4 months buying it over-the-counter at various places like WalMart & other grocery stores. It is very expensive this way. I decided to check Amazon for price and if you buy just one it is about the same price as over-the-counter purchase, BUT if you set up to order it every 30 days on Amazon you get 15% off. That sold me since I use it all the time. I recently ran out and didn't take it for 3 days and my old problems came back which was severe migraine headaches caused by diarrhea. When I use Phillips Colon Health capsules once each morning with breakfast my movements are more normal and most important no more headaches! I can't live without this stuff. So from now on I am soon to set up with Amazon delivery every 30 days and get a 15% break in the price and free delivery. Thanks Amazon!
I have been taking this product for about 6 weeks now, and it has helped tremendously.
I inherited a sensitive stomach from my mother, and have suffered from bloating and gas and far back as I can remember, which has been getting worse as I get older despite having a much healthier diet than when I was a teenager. Stomach, intestinal, and digestion problems can be very complex, so this product cannot be considered a cure-all "miracle drug"...other steps may need to be taken to find what works for you. I kept a food and "how I feel today" journal for a few months, and while this was difficult and somewhat annoying to do extensively, it gave me a good start. It made me realize things that I had thought were harmless were bloating me like crazy...eggs, apple skins, and certain kinds of tea were among the culprits.
So, adding this product was a great compliment to feeling better. As many other reviews stated, it did take about two and a half weeks for me to see a difference, but at that point things started to "level out". Before taking this I had bouts of constipation followed by diarrhea all the time, and my system seemed to be all over the place. After taking this I started to get more normal, regular bowel movements. After about 3 weeks of taking one a day, I had upwards of two or three normal bowel movements a day, and it has since been 1 a day or so. I no longer feel any irregularities and feel much better.
So along with other healthy changes, this product has done a world of difference for me. As I don't take much if any medication, I was more comfortable with taking this than any sort of laxative, colon cleanse, or anything of the sort. Long-term digestive issues cannot be cured by an overnight "quick-fix", so my advice would be to give it a try and be patient, and it is likely your overall health and comfort will benefit greatly.
I didn't buy this from Amazon but am writing a review because Google searches for reviews on this product lead to here.
I started feeling a significant difference the second day of taking these. I consider myself "borderline" IBS and had been going through a particularly "uncomfortable phase" when I saw ads and reviews on this product.
After taking Colon Health for the past several weeks I'm normal. Normal. What a nice word. I heartily recommend this product.
September 17, 2010 update:
I was feeling so good that I stopped taking these. I just kinda forgot about them. Well, this past week started to feel bad again. Two days ago I started taking them again and now I'm feeling fine. I highly recommend this product. - Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Constipation - Ibs - Probiotic'
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