I am not so young and spry as I used to be and it seems by Toillete takes ever so much longer to accomplish than it did in days past. I have always been one of those people known clinically as "wax producers." In the medical field, there are people who "produce wax" in the ear canals and those who "do not produce wax." You can easily imagine which side of the fence you would like to be on when it comes to cleaning and tidying up your ears. One would like to be a "non producer." I am sure that being a producer fit in well somewhere along the line when it came to natural ear protection. But most of us no longer live in caves or in dangerously cold places unless that is our choice. Snow masses don't push us around too much anymore thus determining our lifestyle without our having a say in it. It may come to that shortly, but that is a whole different discussion.
So, I am a wax producer. That is nice, clinical, white coat language which covers up the reality. "My ears just have too dang much wax to suit me." It used to be that a quick swipe with a Q-tip and the problem was corrected for several days. But, I have learned that aging produces MORE ear wax, longer noses, and bigger feet on any given individual. We should be able to smell things more easily and walk around with a great deal more sure footedness. Instead, we are likely to stick our noses in someone elses' business and topple over and scream "I've fallen and I can't get up!" The very picture just makes you want to hurry up and get old, doesn't it. Well, not really. Wind back that Clock for yourself!
Back to ears...our minds tend to wander a bit also. Anyway, my vanity and basic desire to be clean has led me to worry about HOW MUCH ear wax is there in those old ears anyway? These days, I sometimes awake to a clicking in my head. And, No, unfortunately that clicking noise I hear is not the sound of my brain engaging its gears to get on with today's business. Instead it is an internal noise indicating that the old "wax producing" gene has been functioning at high speed. My ears have too much wax in them again. But what is "too much?" I can still hear just fine when the cats start whining about their empty stomachs.
So, I needed an implement that did two things for me. 1. I wanted it to get rid of excess wax and 2. I wanted it to help me judge just how much wax I was dealing with! (Such a pleasant topic, BUT facts are facts.)
But this little widget did that for me. It goes into the ear and bumps up against the canal OR against the wax, so that I can more or less judge how far the wax has extruded. Not too far, thank goodnes. SO BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN YOU STICK THIS THING IN YOUR EAR! It is not long enough to come out the other side of your head, BUT IT IS LONG ENOUGH to hit the delicate little structures that allow for hearing. It could easily mutilate those structures if there was not ball of wax present. But, if you have wax problems, or even if you don't, you have probably been using Q-Tips, (or God forbid, a toothpick) to dig around in your ears most of your life. So you have some internal "feel" for how much wax is normally there. Based of that self knowledge, this little insturment will help you figure out if that level has increased significantly, or if it is relatively stable. That will help you decide whether you need to rush off to the doctor to get your ears cleaned out, whether you can do it safely yourself, or whether all is well in those little canals.
But it is the other function that has given me the most relief. This little thing has a little scoop (2 little scoops actually) that allow you to clean out the excess wax. The scoops will get some wax off the protective ball in your ear if that is needed. It will ALSO clean out the excess that has glued itself to the sides of the canals like wallpaper. (See, I am now able to judge, by feel, how the excess wax is placed in my ears. Mine doesn't fall out all over the place as I feared. Instead, it hugs the walls of the canal just waiting to be scooped off.) You will be able to judge where your wax is and how to deal with it also. Like I said, there are two scoops. I have tiny ear canals, but the large scoop worked just fine. The small one must be for children. The scoops seemed to get out everything. I cleaned afterward with a Q-tip and there was nothing left to clean.
As stated in the documentation on this Ear Wax Remover, there is also a light in the little instrument. I, personally, do not want my sweet mate looking around at my ear wax, so I manage this procedure alone. My judgement is that the light is superfluous anyway. The ear canal is curved so that things don't get stuck in it with any ease. That is why you are not pestered by insects, birds, or airplanes flying into your ear. It is curved to protect you against such incidentals. So, taking a straight insturment and poking it into the ear without an otoscope is kind of pointless. I do not know what you would see. An otoscope has its own light, so this is kind of an overkill feature.
There are also tweezers with this gadget. Now, if something DID manage to wedge itself into your ear, you might be able to get it out with tweezers and then the light might be of some assistance. But, I do not reccommend having someone arbitrarily go searching for wax in your ears. Because of the fragility of the ear, I would think YOU would want to be the only one poking around in it. YOU can FEEL if you are hurting yourself. GO SLOWLY.
We all know there is a good reason that we were taught "never to stick anything in our ears that was bigger than, or closesr, than our elbows." It is really easy to jerk, poke yourself and to do irreparable damage. BUT, we all already know that and we have decided to stick something in our ears anyway.
So, I suggest that this is a good thing to do it with. This item will rid you of you of your worries about your earwax, and rid you of the earwax itself. And that was the whole idea in the first place. To be RID of that earwax. It is Such a Nuisance. So, use this carefully, and I think you will be quite satisfied with it. If writing on and on and on is any evidence of how good something is, then this item must be good. OR, then again, perhaps my mind is just wandering around somewhere with my pointy nose and my big feet! No...that may be, but this is a good product and I suggest you give it a try. It has alleviated my excess wax and all my worries about excess wax. What a good thing it must be. Now...about the Nose Hairs...again...a different subject altogether! White ear cleaning tool Ear Wax Remover with LED Light'
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