This is a really great cleanser, mild yet incredibly effective. It takes a while to find out how great it is, though; the cleanser doesn't suds up, doesn't have a great scent (or any scent!) and won't give you that "fresh clean" feeling right after you're done washing. Use it for several days, though, and you'll be won over: it does a great job of clearing your skin of dirt and make-up so there's nothing left to aggravate even very sensitive skin; it rinses really clean; it will leave your skin dewy but not oily. Cetaphil Daily Facial Cleanser For Normal to Oily Skin, 8-Ounce Bottles (Pack of 3)
I picked up a sample of this at a health fair and flashed back to getting samples of Cetaphil when I when to my dermatologist's office several years ago. I don't know if they still hand this out at dermatologist offices today. To me, it never made much sense that my doctor recommended this for my very severe acne. It's good for average skin or those with the occasional oily spots and break-outs but I certainly wouldn't recommend it for anything more serious than that because it's a mild cleanser - too mild for anything more severe than the typical skin-cleaning needs. For those kinds of problems you need a deep cleanser.
The reviews saying this doesn't do a good job removing make-up pretty much prove my point. Even this type of Cetaphil for oily skin isn't much stronger than soap. Out of the samples I got from my dermatologist I found the Aveeno products far more effective at deep cleaning (Aveeno is an oatmeal-based product and oats are natural exfoliators). Cetaphil is a good cleanser if you want to get your skin clean but have no particular concerns other than that. It won't feel too medicine-y and unlike stronger cleansers, won't smell or make your skin feel too tingly after you use it (unlike Noxema which has menthol and feels like you rubbed mouthwash all over your face). And it does help with mildly oily skin and mild to possibly moderate acne. Just don't trust it if you're treating severe acne, at least not by itself.
Cetaphil is an amazing product. Our family has been using it for the longest time. It is not sudsy like ordinary soap which makes it very easy to rinse. You will not spend a lot of time just to remove that slippery feeling when using soaps. After you dry with a face towel, you will feel the difference on your skin. Oil is gone without you face feeling stretch dry. It is very gentle it was recommended before by my wife's derma for one of my sons when he had a skin problem.
I used Cetaphil Daily Facial Cleanser to wash my face at the end of the day and remove my eye makeup, but it usually didn't succeed in removing all of my eye makeup. I don't know if it's my mascara or my eyeliner that's being so tenacious but regardless, I'd rinse the cleanser off to reveal that I still had black smudgy makeup under my lower eyelids. Like the cleanser just pushed the makeup around rather than removing it. So I'd take the extra step of washing my eyes again and still I'd have to use a Q-Tip to try and gently swipe away at the black smudges afterwards.
I also figured, hey, if it's not removing my eye makeup, how good of a job is it doing in removing my foundation makeup?
I used this Daily Facial Cleanser for over 2 years, I really did give it more than a fair chance, and just this last month switched to Olay Foaming Face Wash for Sensitive Skin as it removes my eye makeup. I'm loyal to the Cetaphil brand, but this Daily cleanser just didn't suit my needs. If you don't wear makeup, Cetaphil Daily Facial Cleanser might work for you.
I used this product for about 2 weeks. I don't have senstive skin and I barley if EVER break out due to any facial cleansers. But, this...Oh this product proved me VERY wrong! The first week was great. My skin felt very clean. Alittle on the dry side but still very clean. The second week I was screaming in horror. (Keep in mind I only used this ONCE a day which was in the Morning time) I woke up, used this product & went on with my day. Later to find while sitting at work my lower face by my mouth started to burn slighty. I let it go thinking it was just something strange going on. Then the burning returned. I walked to the bathroom and was a little shocked to notice I had two rather large red spots on my face. I thought maybe it was something I ate. I went on with my day telling myslef that if it got any worse I would go to the dr and get it checked out. Few hours went by I didn't feel the burning for some time. So i figured it was nothing. After work I got home and my husband looked at me a little strange and asked me what happend. Not sure what he was talking about. He pointed to my face and said "looks like you got burned" I rushed to the nearest mirror to see the two rather large red spots were even bigger then before with dry flakey skin and white spots all over inside them. I Freaked called me dr thinking once again it was something I ate and I needed to get it looked at ASAP!! I had a wedding this up coming weekend (I was a bridesmaid) and the last thing i needed was a flaw!! Went to the drs that next morning and he told me I wasn't allergic but that the product litterly after all did INDEED burn my skin. It over dried my face. which resulted into the nasty burns. It took litterly 2 weeks for improvement and the scars remain. they arn't horrible by any means but it's just a little reminder to use ONLY loiton base products in my future oily or non oily. End of story!!!!!
I use this face wash about twice a day usually. Once in the morning and once at night. I have rather sensitive skin and Cetaphil is one of the few facial cleansers that will not leave your face feeling dry like a pizza's crust. I am comfortable with using this more than twice a day if needed although I don't think washing your face that often is recommended. Overall, it's a great face wash, it doesn't cause breakouts, and leaves my face feeling clean. - Cetaphil - Face Washes - Cleansers - Oil'
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