I first used this machine during a woodturning course and loved it. It is similar to the jet 12X20, with an easier belt adjustment design. The cover easily moves to the side. The jet lathe has 2 doors, one for the top belt and one for the bottom. Switching speeds is pretty quick with the rikon lathe. Performance is very good. I have been turning various spindle pieces with no problems to report. I purchased this model with the adjustable stand, which is solid and sturdy. I would highly recommend this lathe for beginner woodworkers. RIKON 70-100 12-by-16-Inch Mini Lathe
I received the lathe and was so excited to try my hand at turning. I pulled the unit out of the box which had obviously been dropped or something because of the huge dent and cracked/crumbled styrofoam on one corner. Luckily there was a lot of styrofoam on the corner and no parts were damaged!
Everything looked great and I'm thinking to myself "I'm feeling pretty good about getting this lathe vs. the jet 12x20" but then I see that the manual and the tool rest are missing (what a bummer, I had wood ready to turn and all)! So, Im not concerned about the manual but a tool rest would have been great!
I really hope to update this post with good info about Rikon's customer service and I hope they correct the problem very fast (Im thinking 5 star product once I get as chance to use it). Until then, I can't even get started and therefore have no review about how well it works. Otherwise, spurs line up perfect (and I mean PERFECT), motor runs smooth and quiet and everything looks/feels great.
UPDATE: I received the 8" tool rest and the manual within 4 days. In the meantime I had bought a curved tool rest and turned two bowls which verified my initial thought about this lathe ... it's fantastic, 5 stars all the way. The locking arm that holds the tool rest is machined a bit loose however it has not stripped out and I don't think it will anytime soon. All in all this is a well made machine for the money and it turns out Rikon customer service is very good also.
I bought one of these a couple of weeks ago to make specialized "beaters" for my bodhran (Irish frame drum). It took just a few minutes to set up and I've made several nice pieces since then. I haven't used a wood lathe since Jr. High shop class, some 40 years ago, so I don't have much experience. But with the help of a good book and a wide range of YouTube videos on wood turning, I'm having lots of fun. I recommend this lathe.
The tailstock ram locking arm stripped out the first time I used it. The service center was very prompt in sending a replacement, but it was the wrong item. After sending detailed photos and speaking to the Tech support person, they sent another wrong part. This none was not machined correctly so it would not even fit on the bed. I had to file down the tenon to make it fit. The holes and threads were so filled with paint that they had to be cleaned out before I could make it work. The live center had to be lubricated to keep it from squeeling. The fan on the motor was loose and rattled. After e-mailing Rikon with my complaints, they stopped responding. I would not buy another Rikon tool.
I ordered the lathe knowing I would have to wait for shipment. After lots of research, this seemed the best for me at an affordable price. Waited about a month for it. The box looked as if it had some rough handling, but no severe damage was noted - no holes, etc. and two straps still on it.
Opened the box, lifted out the upper foam filler pad, and with a little help, picked the lathe up to set it on the bench. As we moved it toward the bench I heard something hit the floor with a little metallic ring. Lo & Behold, one of the mounting lugs was broken off across the hole. Looking at the foam in the box, it looked as tho the lathe had likely,been dropped while being packed.
I decided that rather return it and wait for another one, that I could live with the one broken lug. Started unpacking the small parts, only to find that the tool rest was missing. No way could it have come out of the box enroute. We did a check of the shop to be sure we had not dropped it.
Called Rikon customer service the next morning, told them the problem and was informed that all they needed was the serial number - which I provided - and they would send a replacement out. Got it 6 days later. They asked no questions about why or how it was not in the box - made me wonder if they were aware they had shipped some lathes knowing everything was not there!
After all that, the lathe runs quietly and smoothly, everything is sturdy and seems to be well made. I'm anxious to find time to try it out now.
Would've been 5 stars except for the above. I definetely would recommend the product to others. - Mini Lathe - Benchtop Lathes - Jet Lathe - Lathe'
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